Zac Brown music has such a big meaning for our family; his music has been close to us in our darkest and happiest moments of our lives. I honestly have to admit that I was not a big fan, coming from Mexico where country music doesn't exist I had no idea of who Zac Brown Band was until Andy introduced me to their music. I can tell you that one of our happiest memories as a family is driving in the car with the music really loud, my two kids in the back singing to the top of their lungs to "No hurry" , " Toes" or "Chicken Fried". Another song that makes me cry is "Whatever it is" since it’s the song that Andy dedicates to me.
Anyway, after finding out that Andy's Cancer was back for the 3rd time and that is now stage 4 Cancer spreading to his spine, I decided that we needed to make his bucket list, I sat down one day with him at the hospital and asked him, what are the things that you really really want to do? One of them was going to a Zac Brown Concert. I wrote a blog post that same day.
Little did I know that a big crazy blessing was about to come. I didn't know but I found out that my mother in law contacted the Zamily sending them my blog... if you are like me you would be asking yourself what is the Zamily? Well it is a family, a family that is integrated by Zac Brown Band fans... One of the members of the Zamily, Jennifer McFarlane, saw my mother in law's post and she didn't blink to start working on helping Andy. With the help of Jenny T Bird Gabriel, Sasha, and more and more people in less than 24 hour they had everything ready for us. Jennifer gave me a call to let me know that the Zamily donated money to make Andy's dream come true, they got us plane tickets, money for a rental car, food, tickets to the concert ( in the PIT) and Kristee Proctor donated her Eat and Greet tickets so Andy could meet Zac. My friend Candace Spurlock booked a hotel for us.
Little did I know that a big crazy blessing was about to come. I didn't know but I found out that my mother in law contacted the Zamily sending them my blog... if you are like me you would be asking yourself what is the Zamily? Well it is a family, a family that is integrated by Zac Brown Band fans... One of the members of the Zamily, Jennifer McFarlane, saw my mother in law's post and she didn't blink to start working on helping Andy. With the help of Jenny T Bird Gabriel, Sasha, and more and more people in less than 24 hour they had everything ready for us. Jennifer gave me a call to let me know that the Zamily donated money to make Andy's dream come true, they got us plane tickets, money for a rental car, food, tickets to the concert ( in the PIT) and Kristee Proctor donated her Eat and Greet tickets so Andy could meet Zac. My friend Candace Spurlock booked a hotel for us.

Going on a trip was not easy, Andy is in a lot of pain, can't really walk or talk that much but I knew how special this trip was going to be for him ...We left Arizona not knowing what an amazing time we were going to have. First we met with some of the Zamily members and T Bird for a gathering at a restaurant, T bird, the Zamily manager is one of the sweetest down earth people I have ever met, her sweet words and hugs and smiles are priceless, she gave us our tickets and was so so amazing with us.
When we got to the Eat and Greet we never expected what it was going to happen. In Andy's head, the fact of just going to Zac Brown Band Concert was enough; we never expected anything else or never imagined what was about to happen. T bird let Andy be the first person to get at the eat and greet, as soon as Zac Brown Band got into the place immediately Zac got close to Andy, he got down since Andy was in his wheel chair and he talked to him. 

Andy says he told Zac how much his music has helped him during time of trial and Zac was the nicest with him. You would think that someone this famous and with all these people around him would be cold and careless, NO! He was so nice with Andy and he has no idea what his actions meant to my husband. Pictures and videos are not allow at the eat and greet but they made it happen! They took us to the back and Zac came to take a picture with Andy and talked a little bit more with him. Clay, one of the members of the band came to talk to Andy too and asked him what do you want to hear tonight? Andy said, my favorite "no hurry" Clay said we are not playing that tonight but let me talk to Zac.

Tbird the Zamily manager assigned a security guy to be with us and the Zamily helped us save spots in the PIT so Andy could be comfortable and safe. I will never forget Andy's face when the concert started, he was SO happy, I was in tears all night.
During the concert Zac made sure to get close to Andy several times, to point at him, fist bump him, they gave Andy the tambourine during the concert, the guitar pic, the drum sticks.
During one part of the concert Zac tossed tshirts to the public and Tbird came to the stage and handed me t-shirt with autographs for Andy and two other t-shirts, she also printed a picture of her Andy and me with the sweetest words on it.
Close to the end of the concert Zac started talking and he said, this song is for my friend Andy Moss, and he played "No hurry" I cried and cried non stop its like his hymn, at the end of the song Zac got close to Andy to shake his hand as he explained who Andy was, he talked about how the Zamily made this trip this possible and at the end he said "We love you Andy" as the venue was screaming, clapping and standing for Andy... did you get goose bumps? I know I still do every time I remember this special moment.
Here is a video of Zac talking about Andy!
Here is a video of Zac talking about Andy!
I have never in a million years imagined this, this not just made Andy checked this off his bucket list but it marked his life forever. He and I will always have this memory of this special day when someone that he admires decided to recognize Andy’s fight and courage.
Zac Brown Band, if you are reading this I want to say thank you, thank you for being who you are, thank you for showing that you care, thank you for your music, it has truly made an impact in our family. Thank you for your song "bittersweet" I can almost swear that was written for Andy and I. Our love story, our fight, our feelings here in one song. Thank you for being a part of our family memories and especially thank you for helping a wonderful young man to check one of his bucket lists items off!

You can listen to Bittersweet here, think about Andy and grab a tissue!
To the Zamily, you have no idea what this trip meant to us, you have no idea what you did, thanks to you Andy was able to check off other things of his bucket list ( I will write about it soon) not just the concert, you are a big group of loving, caring amazing people, we will be forever grateful and we will never be able to thank you enough. And like if you haven't done enough you guys are still helping us in getting us to Boston so Andy can check off one more thing of his list, a Red Sox game! You guys rock!
If you want to help Andy get to Boston go here or contact me :) he also wants to meet David Beckham so we are still working on that :)

Tbird. That big heart of yours is amazing, we are so blessed to have met you, and your sweet words meant a lot and your actions even more! It’s crazy how Heavenly Father puts the right people at the right time in our lives. I don't believe in coincidences I know he moves everything and he knew that you were going to bless our family! We already love you!

From now on I consider myself a HUGE fan of Zac Brown Band. From now on I would love to be a part of this amazing Zamily. Please keep Andy on your prayers he will be having more chemo tomorrow ... Love!!! Leyla #teamAndy #sunsetsforAndy

From now on I consider myself a HUGE fan of Zac Brown Band. From now on I would love to be a part of this amazing Zamily. Please keep Andy on your prayers he will be having more chemo tomorrow ... Love!!! Leyla #teamAndy #sunsetsforAndy
You can listen to "No Hurry" , Andy's favorite song here:
Después de dos años luchando contra el cáncer de células germinales del mediastino, Andy, 31 años de edad, ha sido admitido en varias ocasiones en diferentes hospitales, ha tenido muchas quimioterapia y trasplantes y hemos pasado días y noches en un cuarto de hospital.Recuerdo que un día en específico, unA de las más Fuertes quimios que han tenido, cuando los medicamentos para el dolor no eran suficientes, cuando los medicamentos para la náuseas no estaban haciendo nada, me acuerdo que el me dijo por favor ayudame, has algo por favor ayudame, en eso se me ocurrio decirle, que tal musica? y el me dijo si! ponme a ZAc Brown Band. Y asi lo hice, inmediatamente su cara se calmo, inmediatamente se tranquilizo.
Zac Brown Band ha tenidomucho impacto en nuestras vidas, su musica ha formado parte de los momentos mas dificiles de ella pero asi como tambien ha sido parte de los momentos mas felices. Uno de los recuerdos que tengo de Zac Brown Band es yo manejando en mi carro con Andy a un lado, con la musica a todo volumen y nusestros hijos cantando atras casi gritando la musica de Zac Brown Band, especialmente la cancion favorita de Andy, "no hurry"
Despues de habernos enterado que el cancer de Andy habia regresado por tercera vez en dos anos pero esta vez etapa 4 regandose a sus huesos y espina, un dia decidi que teniamos que hacer una lista de sus ultimos deseos, le pregunte, que te gustaria hacer? dime una de las cosas que quisieras hacer con todo tu Corazon versa que trataremos lo possible de cumplirlas... una de esas cosas fue ir a un conierto de Zac Brown, jamas nos imaginamos lo que iba a suceder.
Para los que no estan familiarizados con este grupo, es un grupo de musica country y han Ganado mas de tres grammys! osea son super famosos aca asi es que la verdad jamas me imagine que iba a suceder lo siguiente.
La manager del grupo nos contacto, el club de fans de ZAc Brown que se llama Zamily nos pago los boletos de avion, los boletos de entrada, otra persona nos regalo los boletos para una convivencia que el grupo tendria con sus fans, nos pagaron comidas, renta de carro, todo!
cuando llegamos a la convivencia la manager nos recibio como reyes, nos asigno a un tipo de seguridad y en cuanto llego el grupo, el lider del grupo se acerco a Andy, estuvo platicando con el, y Andy le dijo lo mcuho que significaba su musica para el.
Ahi no dejaban tomar fotos asi es que al final de la convivencia nos llevaron para atras del evento y ZAc llego a tomarse fotos con Andy y a platicar un poco con el.
DEspues de esto uno de los ingegrantes del grupo hablo con andy y le pregunto que cancion queria escuchar y Andy le dijo "no hurry" el muchacho le contesto, mmm no la vamos a tocar hoy pero dejame hablar con ZAc a ver que podemos hacer.
Los fans nos trataron de maravilla, el concierto fue casi casi para Andy, Zac se encargo de venir a saludar a andy, le regalaron durante el concierto el pandero, la espiga de la guitarra, las baquetas, le firmaron una playera que la manager nos dio durante el concierto, y una de las cosas mas especiales fue que ZAc le regalo una rosa blanca a cada una de las muchachas que estaban cerca del scenario pero a mi me dio 4! fue como alguien famoso diciendo, gracias Leyla por lo que haces por tu esposo, de verdad significo mucho para mi.
Antes de que terminara el concierto Zac dijo, esta cancion va para Andy Moss! y canto "no hurry" al terminar la cancion camino hacia a Andy para darle la mano al mismo tiempo que ZAc hablaba de ANdy, dijo Andy ha estado luchando contra este cancer y los fans de la banda lograron que estuviera aqui con nosotros, Andy te queremos! no se imaginan como llore y que tan especial fue ese momento para nosotros, llore y segui llorando pues miles y miles de personas gritaban se paraban y aplaudian a Andy
Zac no se imagina lo feliz que hizo a mi esposo, no creo en las coincidencias, se que todo es obra de Nuestro Padre Celestial moviendo todo para hacer feliz a Andy
Pueden escuchar la cancion favorite de Andy no hurry aqui
O la otra cancion que me hace llorar que juro que casi casi se la escribieron a Andy aqui