sábado, 31 de enero de 2015


It has been an emotional busy week. This past Wednesday Andy had a PET scan. We were looking forward to the results of this test because it was going to tell us how the Cancer was, whether or not Andy was going to need surgery, what about radiation, etc. On Thursday afternoon we saw Andy’s oncologist and he gave us the news.

TUMOR A: this tumor is the one in his right lung, this one measures .8cm, and it is way smaller. It is also active. When I say active I mean than when they did the PET scan it lights up and that´s the way
they can tell there is some "Cancer" there.

TUMOR B: well they can’t really call it a tumor because its way too small and they can’t even measure it. This one is next to his heart, leaning in his pericardium. Tumor B is also active.

Andy’s oncologist said that he was almost sure that Andy is going to need surgery; he wanted to talk first with the surgeon and with the radiology team to see what the best option for Andy is going to be.

Today we saw the radiologist, such a nice guy but straight to the point. He told us how things were without sugar coating anything and this sometimes can be a little "stressful". He said, “Honestly, I think you need to have radiation. It will be 4 weeks of radiations, you will need radiation every day, Monday through Friday for a month.” He said, “I am not sure if you need the surgery before or after the radiation, I need to talk to the surgeon to see what she thinks, but one thing I know, I want you to start next week. Not sure what it will be next week, if surgery or radiation but I do know that you will do the next thing as soon as possible, we can’t wait and it needs to be done now.”

I asked him what are the side effects of radiation? I am concern especially because where the tumor b is, right by his heart, I mean it’s leaning on it, so what can it happen? He said, “Well, you for sure can have heart problems, heart attack and you can die from it... but also you need to realize that if we don’t do this you will die from this tumor that is right next to his heart...” Andy and I looked at each other, that room was quiet and no words came from our mouths... It’s one thing to kind of think that well this can happen, and it’s something different when it is coming from the mouth of a doctor... He also said, “You already did and tried all the chemos that there are out there. Chemos won’t work for you anymore. Chemo is not an option for you anymore.”

After all this crazy information, he gave us some good news. See? There is ALWAYS something good! His tumor markers (a blood test that tells you how many cancer cells are in your body) came down!! YAY!! Woot woot! They are back to normal, just like yours and mine, just normal!!!!! Please clap like I did! So now it is just trying to get rid of those tumors and prevent Cancer from coming back!

Well, guess what? I am not afraid that I will lose Andy, my faith is so strong right now, I am convinced and I believe that Andy still has tons of things to do on this earth. I know that things will be hard, I know that an open heart surgery is complicated and I know that we still have a long way to go, but I am okay with it. If surgery and radiation will make him stay with us, I am actually excited and grateful for it.

I am just glad that there is hope. I am grateful that the doctors’ prognosis is good. I am grateful that there are still things that we can do, and I am grateful that he is as positive as I am.

Next week we will (hopefully) see the surgeon, and I say hopefully because she is so busy, they gave us an appointment for March 23rd... For when??? What?? Seriously? I was so mad when they told me the day, I guess she didn’t talk to the oncologist before making that appointment so now we have to wait to see when she can see us but the oncologist and the radiologist are working on it so she can get him in as soon as possible... Also I am excited because my believe it or not crazy busy mom (who is a Doctor in Mexico) is going to come to stay with my kids during surgery week!

We have more doctors appointments next week, I guess we still have two or three more months of our lives where we will visit a hospital on daily basis. It has become part of our routine, I am just happy to have all this time to spend with my best friend.

Andy is okay, first he was disappointed, I mean, who wouldn't be? But after talking today with the radiologist he is back to normal and ready to keep fighting. He does want to go on a horseback ride before his surgery so if you know someone that can help me out with this I would appreciate it!

Things are not always the way we wanted but we can’t go crazy when they don’t turn out the way we were hoping. As I see it, there is nothing else I can do. I can’t fix anything with freaking out. All we can do is accept the plan, accept the trial, and face it with a smile.

Look at this perfect imperfect picture :) I love my family :)



Ha sido una semana llena de emociones así como también una semana muy ocupada. El pasado Miércoles Andy tuvo un examen llamado PET scan, el jueves íbamos a saber los resultados con su oncólogo quien nos informaría si el cancer seguía ahi, como iba todo y si necesitaría cirugía y radiaciones. 

Así fue y el Jueves el oncólogo nos dio la noticia.

TUMOR A: Este tumor es el que se encuentra en su pulmón derecho, mide .8 centímetros y aparece como activo. Cuando digo aparece como activo me refiero a que en el examen o escán que le hicieron prende por medio de la radioactividad indicado que existe un tumor en esta área.

TUMOR B:  Este tumor es tan pequeño que no pueden ni medirlo, este se encuentra junto a su corazón exactamente pegado a su paracardio, y también aparece como activo

En oncólogo de Andy dijo que el opinaba que el siguiente paso era una operación con un cardiólogo pulmonar toráxico, y que teníamos que hablar con ella (es una doctora) para ver que opinaba pero que necesitaba que todo sea lo mas pronto posible.

Hoy el radiólogo, un doctor muy buena gente pero de ese tipo de personas que no se anda con rodeos, nos dijo que las cosas como son. Honestamente pienso que necesitas tener radiaciones. Serán cuatro semanas de radiaciones donde tendrás que venir a ser radiado de lunes a viernes, dijo que no está seguro si las radiaciones serán antes de la operación o después de ella, pero que estaba cien por ciento seguro que iba a necesitar radiaciones lo mas pronto posible y que no podía esperar.

Le pregunté cuáles son los efectos secundarios de una radiación directa al corazón? Obviamente estoy preocupada por la posición en la que se encuentra uno de los tumores, pues si la vieran en el escán que le hicieron esa tal cual recargado en su corazón. Así que el doctor contestó. Claro que hay efectos secundarios, especialmente por la locación donde le realizaremos radiaciones, existe la posibilidad de problemas de corazón a futuro e incluso de un paro cardiaco y hasta morir, pero tienen que verlo de esta manera. Honestamente si no se hace algo ese tumor que esta junto a tu corazón te va a matar, literalmente te vas a morir gracias a ese tumor si no se hace algo, así es que tomar el riesgo de radiaciones te daría mas posibilidades de vida, especialmente porque las quimioterapias ya no son opciones para ti, has tenido todas las quimioterapias que un ser humano pueda recibir y ya no puedes recibir mas.

Después de toda esta información de a golpe, nos dio buenas noticias? ven? siempre existe algo bueno dentro de todo lo malo, solo hay que buscarle el lado bueno :) Los niveles de cancer de su sangre se normalizaron! quiere decir que al hacerle examenes de sangre par analizar cuantas células de cáncer existen en su cuerpo, el resultado fue NORMAL sus niveles estñan como los tuyos o los mios! Ahora sólo se trata de deshacerse de esos tumores y de evitar que vuelvan a nacer.

Así que que creen? sorprendentemente no tengo miedo! sorprendentemente estas noticias no me pusieron como loca, triste o a llorar! si, no lloré! definitivamente mi fe está mas fuerte que nunca, estoy convencida con todo mi corazón que Andy estará bien, estoy convencida de que Andy aún tiene muchas cosas que hacer en esta tierra, estoy  convencida de que aún no es tiempo de irse y sé que así sera. Sé que una operación a corazón abierto no es cosa fácil, obviamente que me preocupa por lo delicado que este tipo de operaciones son, pero sé que Nuestro Padre Celestial está con nosotros y no nos abandonará.

Realmente estoy agradecida de que hay esperanza, de que el pronóstico de los doctores es buenos, de que existe esperanza, de que existe aún una opción y algo que se puede hacer.
La próxima semana veremos a la cirujana que operará a Andy, dicen que es una doctora muy ocupada así que esperamos y oramos que pronto, lo mas pronto posible lo puedan operar. 

La próxima semana tenemos mas citas y al parecer los próximos meses de nuestras vidas aún los pasaremos en el hospital pero realmente estoy feliz de poder tener todo este tiempo con Andy.

Las cosas no siempre son como queremos, a veces las cosas por las que pedimos no resultan exactamente como las imaginamos, pero tenemos siempre dos opciones, estresarnos, preocuparnos y sufrir o simplemente aceptar la voluntad de Dios.

jueves, 15 de enero de 2015


DAY -3
Today is the last day of chemo!! Yes, we are done. He had his last one around noon and we are done, we have faith that this is it, this is the last chemo that Andy will need. In total he had 36 days of chemo (counting the first time).
36 days of chemo!!! Can you imagine? Poor Andy. I feel so sad that he has to do this again but we are done and ready for the next step.
He had an okay night, he got some sleep here and there, but this morning his nausea got bad and he was throwing up blood again... At least I am not freaking out this time since I know that he will be okay...
He got up and we went for a small walk after his nausea was better. We got to talk a little bit and he showered, that is an improvement! He still hasn'tt been able to eat or drink anything but once again, at least we know that this will be over soon and from now on all he has to do is heal and recover...

He will rest tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and then January 1st he will start his brand new year with a second bone marrow transplant.
We will spend New Year here at the hospital, but I am actually okay with that.
The hours here go slow and I have too much time to think and to remember. I was talking with Andy today about our kids, (I hope you never get tired of me talking about my kids, they mean everything for me). I miss them so, so much, we get to talk to them on Facetime or Skype every single night and I think this has been so good for Andy, to have something there every day to remind him why he needs to keep fighting.
My little Mia is so cute, she was telling my sister yesterday that her dad is still fighting, that he is in the hospital because he fell playing soccer but he was getting better and better... its funny how she thinks that his Cancer is thanks to his fall playing soccer... Thinking about that, I want to find one day that guy that made Andy fall down at that soccer game and thank him. Thanks to that fall we found out how bad things were getting so quickly, once again, in my mind there are no coincidences any more, everything in this earth happens for a reason and I am glad that we were there at that game. Of course breaks my heart that my innocent 3 year old tells Andy, See daddy? You cant play soccer anymore!

Day -2, -1 were hard too, same thing, chemo side effects and sleepless nights

Day 0.. I twas transplant day! I was so excited for this day, I kept thinking this is it, this is the moment that we have been waiting for, second bone marrow transplant, closer to be done... It amazes me all the improvements and all the amazing things that medicine has, they bring the frozen steam cells, I think they bring them at -96 °C ( -321 °F)!! They use ultra-cold of liquid nitrogen for preserve them and they have a specials container where they bring them and it is so cool to watch them defrost them. Andy got 4 little bags of steam cells and he did amazing...

After his transplant, the hardest days were about to come, since his immune system is gone during this week, everything its just harder and harder. He got sick, tons of nausea and vomiting and it was just hard, but honestly I still thinking that this second time was "easier" than last time

I can´t believe we are almost going home!!!!!!!!!! I miss my kids and I am so excited to go back!

DAy 2 and 3... That's when I lost it, I had such a hard time and finally lost it, I felt so sad and not strong at all, I pretty much cried all weekend, everything made me sad and It was just a dark place to be for those two days...

My friend told me one thing that made me realize that feeling down and sad its part of the process, she said... What you are feeling right know its called experiencing life and having emotion, without feeling those things you would never experience the opposite side to those emotions, the happy side... And she is so right, I think that moments like this are the ones that make me stronger, I think that moments like this is when you learn and understand why this happen, why you need to be strong, why happiness is happiness and why you need to keep fighting.

But I do believe that feelings like those don´t come from Heavenly Father.. I can tell you how much I felt the enemy in the past two days, he knows how good I have been doing, he knows how I have been taking things and how much I have been praying, he knows how strong I have been, how things have been bad but perfect at the same time, he knows how much people have been praying for us and how much the spirit has been next to me, but he also knew that I had that moment of weakness and every time I was crying for the past two days I literally felt how happy he was that I was like that... It wasn't until last night after posting that, after talking with some friends, after watching this video that my brother sent me and getting on my knees, it wasn´t until after that that all those bad feelings left...

Monday I woke up with a different view of things, I woke up understanding that its okay to not be okay, that those moments when you are down are necessary to grow, its okay as soon as you decide to get up again and start fresh and ready to keep fighting
I do feel a little stupid for been so week and for making it public, but o well, I hope that after this experience you all can remember that we are all humans, that we all have ups and downs but the best and most important part is how we decide to leave those feelings behind and keep on with the fight...

Day 4, 5,6 and 7 haven been different, Andy´s nausea slowed down a little because they gave him some steroids, but his heart rate started slowing down, at first I was worried and freaking out a little, but then after all this tests, EKG and all the doctors coming and check on him I feel okay, they think its just thanks to medications and since he doesn't´t have any other symptoms they are not too worried about it...

Day 8 will be getting more rest and then day 9... Ooh day 9... I am so excited for day 9, he will get this shot called neupogen, this shot makes his white cells reproduce a little faster and once that his white cells start reproducing his immune system will start getting better...

We are getting closer and closer to be okay, after we are done here they think Andy will probably still need another surgery, but we are not sure yet...
I can not believe how far we have gotten!

Day 9 to 12 Were the hardest days of all of them, dark days, long days. I truly don´t even want to remember them, he was so sick, so tired, so out of it, couldn´t keep anything down, heart rate went crazy, I had a breakdown during those days, I am sure he doesn´t remember those days and I think its a good thing because they were truly crazy!

Day 14
I didn't´t write in the past few days because it wasn´t that much going on.. They have been trying to take all the IV meds and give him pills instead so he can be ready to go home... So today was a good day, well we started with some vomiting still but after that things got better, he was able to get those pills down (finally) and keep them down too! He ate, we went for a walk, he has been awake most of the day and we are just SO ready to go home and get out of here...

 Today I met this amazing couple, I have always see them since he had a transplant and they are two rooms next to us.. We were talking about our situations and I felt such a connection with them, I am not happy that more people has to deal with Cancer but it sure feels good t know that we are not alone... As I was talking to his wife he said something that touched my heart... He said, God sent us wives like you and my wife because he knew that we were going to need you, this is so hard and we couldn't´t do it without our wives... I wanted to cry, I am so happy that Heavenly Father sent me here to be with Andy, this has been such a hard road but I am so happy to be here with him...

After we go home, we still have to come here who knows how many times, so they can check him and all those fun stuff... Then after 2 or 3 weeks he will have another PET scan and we will find out when he will be having his surgery...

jueves, 1 de enero de 2015

Thanks 2014! Happy New Year! Gracias 2014 Feliz año!

Where to start?? I remember exactly a year ago, I was spending New Years Eve with my family that came from Mexico, (as usual) to help us start Andy´s very first Chemotherapy... I was so sad, I even posted on Facebook that I was not excited for 2014, ooh how wrong I was...

2014 has been one of the most amazing years of my life... I am so so grateful for this past year, I have learned so much, I have grown, and I have loved. I am a different person thanks to 2014.

Happiest memory of 2014?
My happiest memory of 2014 is when we got the opportunity, (thanks to an amazing family) to go to California with Andy and the kids after he was in remission. Ooh what a wonderful trip! We won tickets to Sea World and Disneyland! We pretty much just spent all day at the beach in Carlsbad... I remember one of the funniest memories there was when David and Mia had been super naughty. We sent them to time out. However, this was a "special time out". We made them put their nose to the floor with their hands behind their back. While they were crying and winning, Andy and me had to walk away together to go laugh like crazies in the other room. Then, we came back to take pictures of them and laugh some more hahhaa.... I know it sounds mean but it was the funniest thing ever haha... We had the amazing opportunity to spend quality time with the kids and Andy, we had sooo much fun. I remember I was staring out at the ocean for hours and hours; watching Andy play soccer with David. Meanwhile,  Mia built castles next to me. I remember packing our lunches and eating sandy food by the beach. I remember how happy we were during that trip and all I can think of was, "I can´t wait to spend more family time again!".

The most sad day of 2014?
If you ask me one of the more sad moments of 2014 was when we found out that we were not going to be able to have any more children. That still makes me sad. You would think, "Isn't her saddest moment when she found out that Andy´s Cancer was back?" Well, it wasn't. Because  yes it was hard, and devastating; but I always knew that Andy was going to be okay.  And I still know that it will be this way. But finding out that I was not going to have any more babies on my own,  was a so shocking for me. I always said I wanted to have 5 kids. Andy never agreed with that number, but still, he always knew that I wanted to have more kids. So today I appreciate the two wonderful kids that I do have. They are mine for a reason and I am so grateful to be their mom.

"Bad" things of 2014?
2014 was a year full of trials. I can´t even mention every single thing that we went through. Andy had 4 cycles of chemotherapy, 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, every 2 weeks. Then he had  a major surgery, had 2 more rounds in the hospital, and then 2 and 1 bone marrow transplant. Thats total of 32 days plugged to some type of chemo, countless days in the hospital, tons of doctors appointments, labs, xrays, CT Scans, PET scans, and more. We had financial problems. We  had to give our dog away, we crashed our car, my purse was stolen, car problems, I deleted a photo session before delivering it (ughhh). I had to leave our kids hundreds of times, and not to mention, I can´t remember what other trials we had this year. BUT they are nothing compared to the the miracles and blessings that we received this 2014. 

Good things of 2014?
First lets start with the blessings. We found out about Andy´s Cancer the first time, we met amazing people at the Ironwood cancer center. Encountered the sweetest nurses that became friends. So many tears and conversations  were shared at that place. We met Andy´s first doctor;  such a nice and caring guy. We were able to make new friends. Have amazing people around us that helped us in every single way possible, with: fundraisers, meals, rides, presents, favors, someone always did our yard, a neighbor took our garbage out, someone sent my mail. We had amazing teachers that did and over did it for my family.  Prayers, fastings, priesthood blessings, hugs, kisses, random acts of kindness, a call, a text, a note.  Someone even offered to clean our house to get  it ready for Andy. We had help taking my kids to practices, paying for David's sports tuitions, an  amazing family taking care of our dog, someone fixing things at my house. Someone taking my kids to church, my family never leaving me alone , always jumping into a plane to come help.  My sister and brother-in-law watching my kids, someone teaching me how to cook. A new job position for Andy, with an amazing company supporting him during this trial. Help with food, groceries, visits to the different hospitals; oh my goodness I can´t write it all down! We have had SO many blessings this year.

My favorite song of 2014?
Actually, they're the same favorite songs my 3 year old has haha. Let it Go from Frozen... I know, you can laugh haha. But I can identify with  this song so much; LET IT GO! 

"And the fears that once controlled me, can't get to me at all
It's time to see what I can do,
to test the limits and break through.
No right, no wrong, no rules for me.
I'm free"
And I am so free. Free from superficial things, free of fear, free of so many things. 

And Shake it Off? Seriously, what else can you do other than Shake it Off?? 
"It's like I got this music
In my mind
Saying, "It's goanna be alright."

haha we danced to this song how many times??? 
I have a video of the day that Andy came back from the hospital, after chemo, and Mia wanted to dance with him to this song. He just got up and danced with her! 

Something that no one knows of 2014?
One of my best friends from California, Nitzia Chama, surprised me and sent me some concert VIP tickets to go see my favorite Mexican singer.  I have been her fan since I was 4 years old! haha! Oh my gosh!  when I saw her I cried and cried like a crazy groupie.

 I couldn't´t even talk. aI even lost my sister´s wallet because I got so emotional when I saw this singer, that I left it who knows where! hahaha! I cried the entire concert! LOL (this next picture... The moment where I lost my sisters wallet haha)

Best memory of Andy in 2014?
Right after he had his surgery, I mean seriously, a few weeks after, he wasn't even told he was in remission yet; one of his best friends  ( I consider them my parents here in the U.S.,  although they are not that old) the Randalls invited us to the lake. Well Andy pretty much made them plan the trip haha! They took us and I told Andy, "Fine, we will go, but you are not wakeboarding there is no way! Promise me! Your, surgery was few weeks ago. Please!"  and he said, sure...once we were at the lake, he was like, "Hermano Randall,  I am going to wakeboard". He looked at me and said, "Sorry, I have to!" 

 It was such a joy see him so happy, jumping and doing crazy things in the lake. I remember the kids cheering for him and saying, "Go Daddy! Go!".  I will always remember that day, when I told to myself, "No matter what, Andy has to go through this. No matter how hard things seem to be, he will always come back strong". 

But the most amazing blessings that we received, were the ones that you can´t see. The ones that I can´t show you, but the ones that I have deep in my heart. I was able to understand the importance of tithing.  I truly believe that as long as I do the things that I am suppose to do, my family and i will be blessed. I truly, fully, comprehend the plan of salvation. I know that we are here for a reason. I know that I accepted this challenge in a previous life.  I know that I will be with my Heavenly Father one day,  next to my eternal family. I realized how much I love Andy. How much he loves me.  I became his best friend and he became mine. I learned the true meaning of a prayer. Sometimes  we say, "I will pray for you, or my prayers are with you". But I learned that when you get on your knees, with an open heart, you are able to feel the spirit. You feel someone is truly listening to you. I learned to pray with thankfulness, instead of asking for things. 

I learned to accept His plan and His way. Of course it's not always what I want , or how I want things to be, but I learned that Heavenly Father truly knows what is best for me and my family. I became more independent, I have always been independent, but with this trial, I realized that there is no limit. That with faith and love you can do hard things... I became more compassionate and I learned that people don´t need to know who you are helping. Like my friend Emily says, "Helping others needs to feel normal. So normal that you don´t even notice it. So normal that no one needs to know it". I learned to enjoy a hug. To hug more, to hug and hug. When I came to the U.S.,  it was so weird for me to hug and kiss people, (we do it all the time in Mexico) but (don't be offended) but the culture here is a little bit more cold. Well, I am not shy anymore. I learned that sometimes a hug can be more powerful than words. 

I also made some mistakes. I said things that I didn´t mean to say. I probably I hurt people (I have one specific name in my head) that I didn't mean to hurt. But I learned that sometimes you need to make the decisions that your heart and the spirit tell you to take. Sometimes people will never understand your reasons. All you can do is pray for them because their actions can be from all the pain that they have. And after all, I learned to forgive people, even when they are not sorry ( this one is a hard one!!!!!!). 

I am not perfect by any means, actually I am kind of crazy sometimes.  Buy today,  my heart is full of gratitude for the wonderful year that I had; man it was good! I laughed so much, I danced, and sang, I played with my kids, I kissed, I hugged. I learned how to enjoy life! 

Dear friends and family, I don't want to sound like I am just  preaching these are just feelings from an open heart...I  already said this once, but please, I tell you this with all of my heart. Don't wait until "bad things" come into your life to appreciate what you have. Enjoy your husband, enjoy your wife, show them how much they mean to you. Enjoy that walk, that run, enjoy the air, the sun, love love love. Don't waste any more time worrying for material things. Don't waste, not even one minute,  worrying about what people think. Do things with your heart. Love some more, hug whoever you can. Kiss your kids,  look into their beautiful eyes and be grateful for the minutes or hours that you have with them. Yes, they can drive you crazy sometimes, but ohh, how much I wish they could drive me crazy right now. If you are not close to Heavenly Father, it is never to late to do so.  I promise you that you will find the best friend that a person could possibly ever have. I promise that you will never feel alone again. I promise you that you will feel love every day and night. I guarantee you that your life will change. Your trials won't  be easier, but He will stand right next to you every single minute of them. 

Thank you again to every single one of you that has said a prayer for us during this 2014 year. I feel your love on daily basis. 

Happy New Year from a hospital room full of gratitude.  

Wow por donde inicio? me acuerdo que el 31 del año pasado mi familia vino de mexico como siempre para estar aqui cuando Andy iniciara su primera quimioterapia, estaba yo tan triste y hasta puse un post en Facebook diciendo como no queria que iniciara el 2014, estaba yo triste y confundida!

El 2014 ha sido uno de los años mas maravillosos de mi vida, estoy tan agradecida por este año que ha pasado, he aprendido tantas cosas, he crecido mas como ser humano, he aprendido a amar, siento que realmente me converti en mejor persona gracias al 2014 

Momento mas feliz del 2014?
Si me preguntas cual es el momento mas feliz o el recuerdo mas feliz que tengo del 2014? bueno resulta que gracias a una familia muy generosa y a otras personas, pudimos ir a California, fuimos a SEa world y a Disneylandia y pasamos una semana en un condominio en la playa, el recuerdo mas chistoso que tengo es que David y Mia se estaban portando super mal jaja aqui en estados unidos se usa mucho algo que se llama Time out, quiere decir cuando los niños se portan mal aca no se les dan sus nalgadas sino los aislas de la situacion y los haces pasar unos minutos solos para que piensen lo malo que hicieron, normalmente se les pone en un rincon de la casa, pero Andy y yo los pusimos en el piso con la nariz directo al piso y los brazos atras de sus espaldas jajajja ya se ya se suena como q somos malos papas jajajja pero recuerdo que etsabamos en el condominio de la playa y Andy  y yo nos tuvimos que ir de donde los pusimos porque nos estabamos carcajeando jajaja de ahi regresamos a tomarles fotos y a reirnos un poco mas jaja! fue un viaje super padre, pasamos mucho tiempo juntos como familia, disfrute de la playa, de la arena, del sol, recuerdo el pasar horas viendo a Andy jugar soccer con David mientras que mia construia castillos de arena junto a mi, recuerdo nuestras caminatas por la playa, nuestros lunches llenos de arena, nuestras risas, el cantar en el carro, fue realmente un viaje inolvidable

El dia mas triste del 2014?
Bueno tal vez todos ustedes podrian pensar que el momento mas triste fue cuando nos enteramos que el Cancer de Andy habia regresado! claro que fue un momento triste pero no fue tan tan triste porque en mi corazon jamas ha existido una sola duda de que el estara bien, siempre mi corazon ha estado lleno de fe de que el sanara, de que todo regresara a  la normalidad. Asi es que el momento mas triste que tuve en el 2014 fue cuando nos dijo el doctor que no podriamos tener mas hijos, gracias a tanta quimioterapia no podremos tener mas bebes, en mi cabea siempre tuve el plan de tener cinco hijos, jaja ya se ya se cinco son muchos pero siempre dije que queria yo cinco niños corriendo por mi casa simepre quise una familia grande como la de mi papa o de mi mama, pero bueno tengo a mis dos grandes amores y a veces los planes de Dios no son los planes de uno...

Cosas malas que me pasaron en el 2014?
pues obviamente tnata quimioterapia, todas esas estancias en diferentes hospitales, problemas economicos, choque mi camioneta nuevesita, me robaron mi bolsa con dinero, enterarme que el cancer de Andy regreso, haber tenido que regalar a mi perrote Goldeendoodle, borre una session de fotos sin querer y no la he podido recuperar! doctores y mas doctores, tener que dejar a mis hijos tantas veces y mas cosas que ya ni me acuerdo!

Cosas buenas que me pasaron en el 2014?
Ni por donde empezar!!! Tantas bendiciones que hemos recibido este año que nop podria escribirlas todas. tantas muestras de cariño que hemos recibido, tantas oraciones, tanta ayuda de todo el mundo, comida para mis hijos, dinero, apoyo moral, ayuda a sacar la basura, o a cortar el pasto del patio, ayuda a limpiar la casa o a ir por los niños a la escuela, ayuda a llevar a mi hijo a sus practicas de baseball,  ayuda a ir por la despensa, o mi familia viajando de tan lejos para ayudarme, ayuda de mi hermana y su esposo para cuidar a mis hijos, ayuda de doctores, amistades nuevas, tantas tantas bendiciones que recibimos este año que jamas podre olvidar

Mis canciones favoritas del 2014??
Libre soy !! claro Libre soy, libre soy 
el viento me abrazará 
Libre soy, libre soy 
no me verán llorar. 
Firme así, me quedo aquí 
gran tormenta habrá. 

y shake it off the Taylor swift!! que otra cancion podria ser? jaja como dice la cancion tengo una musica en mi cabeza que me dice todo estara bien!!!

Algo que nadie sabe del 2014?
Jajaja me acuerdo y me rio! una de nuestras mejores amigas de California Nitzia Chama quiso hacernos felices y nos mando boletos para ir al concierto de Gloria Trevi, siii nome da pena soy fan de Gloria desde que tenia yo 4 años de edad! jajaj asi es que estaba yo super emocionada! cuando vi a gloria casi me da un paro cardiaco, me converti en una de esas fans que casi casi se desmaya, no podia creerlo llore y llore no podian i hablar! y hasta perdi la cartera de mi hermana en ese instante de la emocion!! jajajaja

Mejor memoria de Andy del 2014?
Recuerdo que a tans olo pocos dias despues de la operacion donde le quitaron lo que le quedaba de sus tumores, una de mis familias y amigos favoritos nos invitaron al lago a andar en su lancha, aqui hay algo que se llama Wakeboarding no se como se llama en español pero es cuando te subes como a una tabla y la lancha te jala y haces trucos o brincas en el agua etc.. bueno el caso es que fuimos ese dia pero le dije a Andy, prometeme que no te vas a aventar de loco por favor! apenas te operaron hace poco! dice si lo prometo.. una vez que llegamos al lago y que la lancha arranco dice! hermano Randall me aviento! me quedo viendo y me dice voy! jajaja sabia que lo haria. Recuerdo verlo y la felicidad que senti de verlo recuperado, aun recuerdo las voces de mis hijos gritandole vamos daddy! tu puedes daddy! y desde ahi la idea en mi cabeza diciendome, Andy es fuerte, Andy se recupera y sale de todas, y asi siempre lo hara!

Pero las cosas mas importantes que aprendi y recibi en el 2014, son las cosas que no puedes ver, son las cosas que no te puedo enseñar, son las cosas que guardo en mi corazon. Aprendi que una oracion sincera y sana hace milagros, aprendi que cuando mas solo te sientes, que en los momentos mas oscuros de tu vida es cuando debes arrodillarte y acordarte que hay una persona que siempre estara ahi a tu lado para abrazarte en esos momentos mas dificiles de tu vida. Aprendi que una oracion es poderosa y que aunque sea un dicho muy comun realmente la fe mueve montañas. Aprendi a amar al 100% a amar las cosas que no puedes comprar, aprendi a disfrtar de una sonrisa, de un abrazo, de un beso, aprendi que lo mas importante es la familia, que sin mi familia nada de lo que hemos hecho lo podria haber hecho sin su apoyo y amorincondicional. Aprendi que cuando la gente te ama de verdad, esta dispuesta a dar todo de ellos con tal de ayudar. Aprendi simplemente a amar, aprendi que esta vida tiene un plan, que nuestro Padre Celestial tiene un plan paara mi, para ti, oara cada uno de nosotros, a veces las cosas no son como uno quiere, a veces las cosas no son como las esperamos, pero si abrimos nuestras mentes y corazones podremos entender cual es el verdadero plan y motivo de las cosas que nos pasan. Aprendi a sonreirle a la vida. Siempre he sido muy independiente pero con esta prueba me volvi aun mas, me di cuenta que con fe todo se puede y que ahora si como dicen cuando se quiere se puede. Aorendi a decirle que si a la gente, a que cuando alguien me preguntaba necesitas algo? decir si de hecho si necesito algo, en vez de decir estoy bien gracias, de abrir realmente mi corazon y dejar que me ayudaran... no soy perfecta obviamente pero este año 2014 me dejo muchas enseñanzas

Querida familia y amigos, hoy le squiero decir que los amo, que estoy agradecida por su amor infitico e incondicional, les quiero decir que no desaprovechen el tiempo en esta vida en cosas que no valen la pena, en preocupaciones materiales, en cosas superficiales, no desaprovechen la risa de sus hijos, el abrazo de una madre, el ir de la mano con tu esposo, no desaprovechen el aire, el sol, la vida, aprovechen cada minuto que tienen para reir, para abrazar, para disfrutar, no esperen a que una desgracia llegue a su vida para darse cuenta de las muchas cosas que tienes y de lo tanto que hay que estar agradecidos.. si no te has acercado aun a Dios, ojala y este 2015 puedas hacerlo, ojala y puedas conocerlo, cuando lo hagas, te daras cuenta que jamas estaras solo, te daras cuenta que el estara contigo no importa lo que te pase ni donde estes ni lo que hagas, las cosas ¨malas¨aun seguiran pasando pero si lo tienes a el todo no importa que sera mas facil porque el caminara contigo... tengo un testimonio de que el me ama, de que me escucha y de que sabe quien soy, mis sufrimientos, mi dolor y de que jamas me ha abandonado durante este 2014

GRacias por todo y Feliz año Nuevo desde un cuarto de hospital

Los quiero!