It's been a while since I've taken the time to write on the blog... Sometimes it's because I don't have time and some other times it's because I like to think that nothing "important" is going on in my life...
Andy's Cancer has been around our family for a year an a half now! Crazy!!! A year an a half!!!!!! I can't remember how life was before all of this...The past week has felt like a dream. It is true that Andy still in a lot of pain, but it's also true that things feel as if nothing is happening in our life right now. We have been able to spend some quality family time, playing games, watching movies, sitting in the garage while the kids ride their bikes and truly just feeling like a dream...
The truth is that this time it's nothing but a gift from our Heavenly Father, a little break that he is sending us so we can recharge batteries and get ready for whatever is coming...
Honestly, when we got the news that the surgery didn't work for Andy and that Cancer is there in the same spots, lots of emotions were running through my head... I am so grateful that we prayed literally seconds before that news. After looking into Andys eyes after the doctor left, I started crying, his words are always so comforting to me. I know it should be the other way around but sometimes I can't be the strong one, Andy asked me to calm down and just be happy. That's all he said, "Let's be happy, everything will be okay, no matter what happens we will be okay..."
Days like yesterday are hard, those days where your mind goes to those dark places and your thoughts make you drown. Yesterday I kept thinking what are we going to do if we don't have Andy with us? How am I going to explain it to my kids? How can a wonderful man be suffering this much???
-----------------------------------Andy's Cancer has been around our family for a year an a half now! Crazy!!! A year an a half!!!!!! I can't remember how life was before all of this...The past week has felt like a dream. It is true that Andy still in a lot of pain, but it's also true that things feel as if nothing is happening in our life right now. We have been able to spend some quality family time, playing games, watching movies, sitting in the garage while the kids ride their bikes and truly just feeling like a dream...
The truth is that this time it's nothing but a gift from our Heavenly Father, a little break that he is sending us so we can recharge batteries and get ready for whatever is coming...
Honestly, when we got the news that the surgery didn't work for Andy and that Cancer is there in the same spots, lots of emotions were running through my head... I am so grateful that we prayed literally seconds before that news. After looking into Andys eyes after the doctor left, I started crying, his words are always so comforting to me. I know it should be the other way around but sometimes I can't be the strong one, Andy asked me to calm down and just be happy. That's all he said, "Let's be happy, everything will be okay, no matter what happens we will be okay..."
Days like yesterday are hard, those days where your mind goes to those dark places and your thoughts make you drown. Yesterday I kept thinking what are we going to do if we don't have Andy with us? How am I going to explain it to my kids? How can a wonderful man be suffering this much???
Thank goodness for family! Yes, I am a mommy's girl and I talk to my mom every day. As I was telling her how I was feeling yesterday she told me one thing, "Why don't you just enjoy today? He is feeling okay and you guys are together." And she is so right... I am grateful for the time we have with Andy, I am grateful for the things that we know, it is hard but in my heart I know that everything will be okay because families are forever, because families are eternal, because Heavenly Father knows what we are feeling and he is so proud of Andy.
Sometimes the fear and the sadness comes into my heart but I guess is "normal"... I really want to enjoy and make memories and never forget these days...I wish I could just take Andy with me and do all these things that he wants to do, take off like we did last week and just enjoy the precious time that we have
Not too long ago I was talking with someone really special, she had cancer and she was telling me that after that she decided to do something every single day... She said she goes out every single morning and use this time for herself, she does it at sun rise. She sits and thinks about the people that she has lost and dedicates a sunrise to that person that has impacted her life, to this person that needs a prayer, a positive thought or just simply to this person that she is grateful to... And I thought to myself, I need to do the same. Then I realized that sun rises during the summer in Arizona, at 5 in the morning. Haha, so I am not sure I will function that early during the day... So I decided to give it a little spin and dedicate my sunsets to Andy and thinking that after the sun goes down a new day will come...
Sometimes the fear and the sadness comes into my heart but I guess is "normal"... I really want to enjoy and make memories and never forget these days...I wish I could just take Andy with me and do all these things that he wants to do, take off like we did last week and just enjoy the precious time that we have
Not too long ago I was talking with someone really special, she had cancer and she was telling me that after that she decided to do something every single day... She said she goes out every single morning and use this time for herself, she does it at sun rise. She sits and thinks about the people that she has lost and dedicates a sunrise to that person that has impacted her life, to this person that needs a prayer, a positive thought or just simply to this person that she is grateful to... And I thought to myself, I need to do the same. Then I realized that sun rises during the summer in Arizona, at 5 in the morning. Haha, so I am not sure I will function that early during the day... So I decided to give it a little spin and dedicate my sunsets to Andy and thinking that after the sun goes down a new day will come...
I thought it would be a great idea to show our love and support to Andy so wherever you are, whoever you are, if you have 2 minutes to say a prayer for Andy at sunset time, please do it, take a picture of your sunset and share a it with us, post it on Facebook and/or IG with the hashtag #sunsetsforAndy
This way we all be connected at the same time, praying for the same person and taking 2 minutes to be grateful for the life we have...
Here is my first #sunsetsforAndy picture... It felt SO good to stop what I was doing and find the time to be alone and think about Andy..this picture is not from yesterday but it is my first #sunsetforAndy
He will be starting radiations tomorrow, we got a call from the Doctor that they want to add more radiation days to his treatments so here we go radiation 1 starts tomorrow... Please keep Andy in your prayers and don't forget to post your #sunsetsforAndy
This way we all be connected at the same time, praying for the same person and taking 2 minutes to be grateful for the life we have...
Here is my first #sunsetsforAndy picture... It felt SO good to stop what I was doing and find the time to be alone and think about Andy..this picture is not from yesterday but it is my first #sunsetforAndy

Andy I know you are going to read this, I love you, I love you so much and I want you to know and remember how everyone loves you too... You are loved! Cancer sucks but you are such a big example of faith and love... I love you !#sunsetsforAndy
Ha pasado un tiempo desde que me he tomado el tiempo para escribir en el blog ... A veces es porque no tengo tiempo y algunas otras veces es porque me gusta pensar que nada "importante" que está pasando en mi vida. ..
La semana pasada se ha sentido como un sueño. Es cierto que Andy todavía en mucho dolor, a veces incomodo y no al cien pero también es cierto que las cosas se sienten como si nada está sucediendo en nuestra vida en este momento. Hemos spofido pasar tiempo de calidad en familia, jugar, ver películas, sentado en el garaje mientras los niños en sus bicicletas y verdaderamente simplemente se siente como un sueño ...
La verdad es que esta vez no es más que un regalo de nuestro Padre Celestial, un poco de descanso que nos envía para que podamos recargar pilas y prepararse para lo que viene ...
Honestamente, cuando nos dieron la noticia de que la cirugía no funcionó con Andy y que el cáncer está allí en los mismos puntos, un montón de emociones estaban corriendo por mi cabeza ... Estoy muy agradecido de que oramos, literalmente, segundos antes de que esas noticias. Después de mirar a los ojos Andy después de que la doctora se salió del cuarto, me puse a llorar, las palabras de Andy en momentos asi son siempre muy reconfortante para mí. Sé que debe ser al revés, pero a veces no puedo ser el fuerte, Andy me pidió que me calmara y sólo quedaba serfeliz. Eso es todo lo que dijo, "Vamos a ser felices todo va a estar bien, pase lo que pase vamos a estar bien ..." Y es cierto que no hemos podido estar felices todo el tiempo, a veces veo su esfuerzo inmenso por estar bien y a veces veo como por mas que intenta tiene que tener sus momentos de no estar tan "bien" pero aunque caiga siempre se levanta, no saben como lo admiro pues a pesar de saber todo lo que puede pasar y a pesar de tener momentos no tan buenos siempre quien sabe como Andy decide levantarse y demostrarle a sus hijos lo mucho que los ama con una sonrisa , con un chiste, bailando para ellos, lo que sea que tenga que hacer para hacerlos felices...
Días como el de ayer son difíciles, esos días en los que su mente va a esos lugares oscuros y tus pensamientos hacen que te ahogues. Ayer me quedé pensando qué vamos a hacer si no tenemos a Andy con nosotros? ¿Cómo voy a explicar a mis hijos? ¿Cómo puede un hombre maravilloso estar sufriendo así ???
Gracias a Dios por la familia! Sí, soy una niña de mamá y yo hablo con mi mamá todos los días. Le estaba contando a mi mama como me sentía y ella me dijo ¿Por qué no acaba de disfrutar hoy? Él se siente bien y ustedes están juntos." Mejor ponte contenta y disfruta ... Y tiene razón!
A veces, el miedo y la tristeza entra en mi corazón, pero supongo que es "normal" ... Tengo muchas ganas de disfrutar y hacer memorias que se queden en nuestros corazones para toda la eternidad! Ojalá pudiera de nuevo llevarme a Andy conmigo y hacer todas estas cosas que él quiere hacer, como lo hicimos la semana pasada y disfrutar del precioso tiempo que tenemos
No hace mucho tiempo yestaba hablando con alguien muy especial, que tenía cáncer y ella me decía que después de que ella sobrevivió al cáncer decidió hacer algo todos los días ... Dijo que sale cada mañana y utilizar este tiempo para sí misma, lo hace en la puesta del sol... Se sienta y piensa en la gente que ha perdido y dedica un amanecer a esa persona que ha impactado su vida, a esta persona que necesita una oración, un pensamiento positivo o simplemente a esta persona por la que esta ahradecida... Y Me dije a mí mismo, tengo que hacer lo mismo. Entonces me di cuenta de que el sol se eleva durante el verano en Arizona, a las 5 de la mañana. Jaja, así que no estoy segura de que funcione tan temprano jaja. Así que decidí darle una vueltecita y dedicar mis puestas de sol a Andy y pensando que después de que el sol se esconde un nuevo día llegará ...
Pensé que sería una gran idea para demostrar nuestro amor y apoyo a Andy estés donde estés, seas quien seas, si tienes 2 minutos para decir una oración por Andy en la puesta del sol, por favor hazlo , tomale una foto a la puesta de sol estés donde estés y compartir una con nosotros, publicarlo en Facebook y / o IG con el hashtag #sunsetsforAndy
De esta manera todos nos puedremls conectar al mismo tiempo, orando por la misma persona y tomar 2 minutos para estar agradecidos por la vida que tenemos ...
Aquí está mi primera foto #sunsetsforAndy ... Se sentío tan bien dejar lo que estaba haciendo y encontrar el tiempo para estar solo y pensar en Andy..esta foto no es de ayer, pero es mi primera #sunsetforAndy
Él iniciara las radiaciones mañana, hoy recibimos una llamada del médico que quieren agregar más días de radiación a sus tratamientos así que aquí vamos radiación 1 comienza mañana ... Por favor tenga Andy en sus oraciones y no te olvides de publicar tu #sunsetsforAndy
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