I have had several days to think about everything that has been happening to us and I am so grateful for those moments while Andy is asleep and I get to be with myself in a quiet peaceful hospital room.
The last couple of days have been rough, not just for Andy, but also for me and my kids. I have had moments of weakness and sadness; luckily I have been able to get over them.
My kids were having a hard time when my amazing parents got in town two days before the surgery. I can't thank them enough for their efforts to leave their busy lives just to come and love my kids. My wonderful sister and brother in law have also helped us tons as usual and my kids are definitely loved, but they still were having a hard time with everything that is going on... Yesterday I decided to leave the hospital to go spend time with them. I haven't left Andy's side since the surgery, I have been sleeping here and I just can't leave him, but yesterday I realized, “I bet my kids need me too...” I am so glad I did! I had such a great time with them, but there was something that I couldn't get over.
The last couple of days have been rough, not just for Andy, but also for me and my kids. I have had moments of weakness and sadness; luckily I have been able to get over them.
My kids were having a hard time when my amazing parents got in town two days before the surgery. I can't thank them enough for their efforts to leave their busy lives just to come and love my kids. My wonderful sister and brother in law have also helped us tons as usual and my kids are definitely loved, but they still were having a hard time with everything that is going on... Yesterday I decided to leave the hospital to go spend time with them. I haven't left Andy's side since the surgery, I have been sleeping here and I just can't leave him, but yesterday I realized, “I bet my kids need me too...” I am so glad I did! I had such a great time with them, but there was something that I couldn't get over.
I got my son out of school just to spend some quality time with him and my daughter, and as we were getting in the car I noticed he was "mad" and I asked him nicely, “What's wrong?” “Nothing.” he said, I kept asking him, “Are you okay?” “Yes, I am okay.” he kept saying... I got frustrated and said, “Please take your seat belt off and come here. Please tell me what's wrong. I love you and I am here for you...” Little did I know, all my sweet 7 year old said is he misses us. He started crying and crying, and I mean crying like I have never seen him before. He asked me, “Why did my daddy have to get sick???” Oh how glad I am for the knowledge that I have, it was right then that I understood that Heavenly Father has been getting me ready for this moment. I was able to explain my sweet David that sometimes life seems not fair, that sometimes we don't understand why things happen, that sometimes it hurts and we can even get mad and frustrated. But I told him, “David I know you have a Heavenly Father that loves you, loves me, your sister and especially daddy. I know that He has a plan for us and as much as problems and trials don't seem fair, they will always bring something good to our life. I have a testimony that Heavenly Father is aware of your pain and He listens to every single of your prayers. I don't have an answer to why daddy is sick again, but I can tell you that trials and problems are all for a reason and that they will bring blessings to your life...” I cried and cried with him, eventually Mia took her seat belt off and gave him a hug too, he said, “I just miss you and I miss my daddy so much, but I will keep praying...”
Oh sweet baby boy, how much I wish I could take all your pain away but I know, I know this experience will strengthen your testimony. I know that your faith will be always there. I know that you will always fight for what you want. I know that you will never ever give up. I know that one day you will be an amazing man just like your daddy and I hope one day you can read this and realized how strong and wonderful you are!
I have been reading all of your comments on Facebook, all your kind words and your words of encouragement. I can find in most of the comments words like, “You are so strong”, or “You are an inspiration”. Dear friends, I have to admit that I am not that strong, I am actually weak and I cry a lot! But I do have something that gives me strength each day and takes me through the day, and that is faith and love of my Heavenly Father.
I remember the day of the surgery, as I was saying bye to Andy he kept telling me, “Don't cry, please don't cry, I will be back, I promise I will.” As they were taking him back to the ER I literally ran to my mom's arms and cried and cried. She held me as if I was her little girl, she didn't let me go and she said, “He knows. Heavenly Father knows and He is and will be here with you...” And she was right, He knows and He is always here with me...
We have had terrible nights at the hospital, mostly thanks to the pain, but we knew it was going to be this way and they say we will be going home soon...
As I was saying in one of my posts on Facebook Andy is truly a miracle. Regardless of what the future will bring, he is a miracle. The surgeon came yesterday and she said, "Your case is unique. You are so special." And he is... I remember, Sunday April 12th, oh how much I remember that day. A doctor (who we don't know and I don't even want to remember) came into Andy's room and said these words, “There is nothing we can do for you. I think it will be few weeks or few months for you. I think you need to go home and spend your time with your family, because we can't do anything else for you...” She said what?????????
Yes! We all know his case is complicated, we all know that he has been through a lot, but those words just didn't make any sense! My world fell apart. I didn't handle the situation as I thought I was going to. I literally went crazy, I screamed and got mad. I cried and acted like a totally crazy woman. My heart was broken, my world was gone, and nothing made sense. Like I said, I went crazy! I was scared, I was mad, I was devastated, and I can't believe how the devil took control of me...
I have been reading all of your comments on Facebook, all your kind words and your words of encouragement. I can find in most of the comments words like, “You are so strong”, or “You are an inspiration”. Dear friends, I have to admit that I am not that strong, I am actually weak and I cry a lot! But I do have something that gives me strength each day and takes me through the day, and that is faith and love of my Heavenly Father.
I remember the day of the surgery, as I was saying bye to Andy he kept telling me, “Don't cry, please don't cry, I will be back, I promise I will.” As they were taking him back to the ER I literally ran to my mom's arms and cried and cried. She held me as if I was her little girl, she didn't let me go and she said, “He knows. Heavenly Father knows and He is and will be here with you...” And she was right, He knows and He is always here with me...
We have had terrible nights at the hospital, mostly thanks to the pain, but we knew it was going to be this way and they say we will be going home soon...
As I was saying in one of my posts on Facebook Andy is truly a miracle. Regardless of what the future will bring, he is a miracle. The surgeon came yesterday and she said, "Your case is unique. You are so special." And he is... I remember, Sunday April 12th, oh how much I remember that day. A doctor (who we don't know and I don't even want to remember) came into Andy's room and said these words, “There is nothing we can do for you. I think it will be few weeks or few months for you. I think you need to go home and spend your time with your family, because we can't do anything else for you...” She said what?????????
Yes! We all know his case is complicated, we all know that he has been through a lot, but those words just didn't make any sense! My world fell apart. I didn't handle the situation as I thought I was going to. I literally went crazy, I screamed and got mad. I cried and acted like a totally crazy woman. My heart was broken, my world was gone, and nothing made sense. Like I said, I went crazy! I was scared, I was mad, I was devastated, and I can't believe how the devil took control of me...
The sweet nurses from the 4 east were all crying too, everyone that saw me just cried with me. I will never forget that hug that Ginna Kaufman, one of the doctora that has been by Andy’s side, gane to me. Everything was so confusing and dark, but Andy, Andy never hesitated, never doubted, never got mad, never complained, never asked why, he simply said I love you...
As he said in his talk from church I asked him, “How can he be so calm?” I said, “I need to know because I want to have that...” He just said that he knows that Heavenly Father has a plan for him and that he knows that families are eternal, and we just hugged for a while.
What a blessing that was, the gift that I got to realize that I was not ready yet. The gift that was given to me to be able to repent and be grateful for what we have.
What a blessing that was, the gift that I got to realize that I was not ready yet. The gift that was given to me to be able to repent and be grateful for what we have.
Days went by and more doctors got together and finally we got the news that they were able to do a surgery but that this decision was up to Andy since he has been going through so much he needed to decide what he wanted. He never hesitated he wanted to have that surgery so bad. How grateful I am for a man with a remarkable faith and such a strong testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Here we are, with a little bit of hope and with the confirmation that miracles do exist. I have mine next to me. It has been weeks since that doctor gave me that news and here we are, getting better and better and ready to go home soon!
#Godisreal #
#Godisreal #
< 3 Leyla
Familia y amigos mil disculpas por la traducción solo copie y pegue el texto en ingles lo puse en un traductor sin corregirlo, normalmente lo checo lo leo una vez q lo traduje a español pero no lo hice en esta ocasión así es que disculpas! Gracias x entender...
Existen milagros ...
He tenido varios días para pensar en todo lo que ha estado sucediendo a nosotros y estoy muy agradecido por esos momentos, mientras que Andy está dormido y llego a estar conmigo en una tranquila habitación del hospital pacífica.
El último par de días han sido difíciles, no sólo para Andy, sino también para mí y mis hijos. He tenido momentos de debilidad y tristeza; por suerte he podido superarlos.
Mis hijos estaban teniendo un tiempo difícil cuando mis padres consiguieron increíbles en la ciudad dos días antes de la cirugía. No puedo agradecerles lo suficiente por sus esfuerzos para salir de sus ocupadas vidas sólo para venir y amar a mis hijos. Mi hermana maravillosa y cuñado también nos han ayudado un montón, como de costumbre, y mis niños están definitivamente amada, pero todavía estaban teniendo dificultades con todo lo que está pasando ... Ayer me decidí a salir del hospital para ir pasar tiempo con ellos. No he dejado de lado Andy desde la cirugía, he estado durmiendo aquí y yo simplemente no puedo dejarlo, pero ayer me di cuenta, "Apuesto a que mis hijos me necesitan también ..." Estoy muy contenta de haberlo hecho! Tuve un gran tiempo con ellos, pero había algo que no podía superar.
Tengo a mi hijo a la escuela sólo para pasar un buen rato con él y mi hija, y como nos iban a dar en el coche me di cuenta de que estaba "loco" y le pregunté muy bien, "¿Qué pasa?" "Nada." Él dije, yo le preguntaba, "¿Estás bien?" "Sí, estoy bien." siguió diciendo ... que se frustró, y dijo: "Por favor, tome el cinturón de seguridad fuera y ven acá. Por favor, dime lo que está mal. Te amo y estoy aquí para ti ... "Yo no sabía, todo mi dulce 7 años dije es que nos echa de menos. Empezó a llorar y llorar, y me refiero a llorar como nunca lo he visto antes. Él me preguntó: "¿Por qué mi papá tiene que enfermar ???" ¡Oh, cómo me alegro por el conocimiento que tengo, que era en ese momento que comprendí que nuestro Padre Celestial ha sido cada vez me listos para este momento. Tuve la oportunidad de explicar mi dulce David que a veces la vida no parece justo, que a veces no entendemos por qué las cosas suceden, que a veces duele y podemos incluso conseguir enojado y frustrado. Pero yo le dije: "David Sé que tienes un Padre Celestial que te ama, me ama, tu hermana y especialmente papá. Yo sé que Él tiene un plan para nosotros y tanto como los problemas y las pruebas no parece justo, siempre van a traer algo bueno para nuestra vida. Tengo un testimonio de que el Padre Celestial es consciente de su dolor y Él escucha a todos y cada uno de sus oraciones. No tengo una respuesta a por qué papá está enfermo de nuevo, pero te puedo decir que los juicios y los problemas son por una razón y que traigo bendiciones a tu vida ... "Lloré y lloré con él, con el tiempo Mia tomó el cinturón de seguridad fuera y le dio un abrazo también, dijo, "Yo sólo te extraño y extraño a mi papá mucho, pero voy a seguir orando ..."
Oh dulce bebé, lo mucho que me gustaría poder tener todo tu dolor lejos pero sé, sé que esta experiencia va a fortalecer su testimonio. Sé que su fe será siempre allí. Yo sé que siempre luchar por lo que quieres. Sé que usted nunca darse por vencido. Sé que un día serás un hombre increíble al igual que su papá y espero que algún día se puede leer esto y me di cuenta de lo fuerte y maravilloso eres!
He estado leyendo todos sus comentarios en Facebook, todos sus amables palabras y sus palabras de aliento. Puedo encontrar en la mayoría de los comentarios palabras como, "Eres tan fuerte", o "Tú eres una inspiración". Queridos amigos, tengo que admitir que no soy tan fuerte, en realidad estoy débil y me lloran mucho! Pero tengo algo que me da fuerza cada día y me lleva a través del día, y que es la fe y el amor de mi Padre Celestial.
Recuerdo el día de la cirugía, como iba diciendo adiós a Andy que me mantiene diciendo, "No llores, por favor no llores, voy a estar de vuelta, te prometo que lo haré." A medida que se lo llevaban de vuelta a ER literalmente corrió a los brazos de mi madre y lloró y lloró. Ella me abrazó como si yo fuera su niña, ella no me dejó ir y ella dijo: "Él sabe. Padre Celestial sabe y Él es y será aquí con ustedes ... "Y tenía razón, Él sabe y Él siempre está aquí conmigo ...
Hemos tenido terribles noches en el hospital, sobre todo gracias a que el dolor, pero sabíamos que iba a ser así y dicen que vamos a ir a casa pronto ...
Como decía en uno de mis posts en Facebook Andy es realmente un milagro. Independientemente de lo que traerá el futuro, es un milagro. El cirujano llegó ayer y ella dijo: "Su caso es único. Eres tan especial." Y él es ... Recuerdo, el domingo 12 de abril, oh cuánto me recuerda ese día. Un médico (que no sabemos y ni siquiera queremos recordar) entró en la habitación de Andy, y dijo estas palabras: "No hay nada que podamos hacer por usted. Creo que va a ser unas semanas o unos meses para usted. Creo que tienes que ir a casa y pasar el tiempo con su familia, ya que no podemos hacer nada más por ti ... "Ella dijo lo ?????????
¡Sí! Todos sabemos que su caso es complicado, todos sabemos que ha pasado por muchas cosas, pero esas palabras no tenía ningún sentido! Mi mundo se vino abajo. Yo no manejar la situación como yo pensaba que iba a. Yo, literalmente, volví loco, me gritó y me enojé. Lloré y actué como una mujer totalmente locos. Mi corazón estaba roto, mi mundo se había ido, y nada tenía sentido. Como he dicho, me volví loco! Tenía miedo, yo estaba loco, estaba devastado, y yo no puedo creer cómo el diablo se apoderó de mí ...
Los dulces enfermeras de los 4 al este estaban llorando también, todo el mundo que me vio solo lloraba conmigo. Nunca olvidaré ese abrazo que Ginna Kaufman, uno de los profesionales de enfermería que ha estado al lado de Andy, me la dio. Todo era tan confuso y oscuro, pero Andy, Andy nunca se dudó, nunca dudó, no se enojó, nunca se quejó, nunca se preguntó por qué, él simplemente dijo Te amo ...
Como dijo en su discurso de la iglesia le pregunté: "¿Cómo puede estar tan tranquilo?" Le dije: "Necesito saber porque quiero tener que ..." Él acaba de decir que él sabe que el Padre Celestial tiene un planear para él y que él sabe que las familias son eternas, y que sólo se abrazaron durante un tiempo.
¡Qué bendición que era, el regalo que llegué a darme cuenta de que aún no estaba listo. El regalo que me fue dada para poder arrepentirse y estar agradecidos por lo que tenemos.
Pasaron los días y más médicos se reunieron y finalmente nos dieron la noticia de que eran capaces de hacer una cirugía, pero que esta decisión fue hasta Andy desde que ha estado pasando por mucho que tenía que decidir lo que quería. Nunca dudó que quería tener que la cirugía es tan malo. Cuán agradecido estoy por un hombre con una fe extraordinaria y un fuerte testimonio como en el evangelio de Jesucristo.
Aquí estamos, con un poco de esperanza y con la confirmación de que existen los milagros. Yo tengo la mía a mi lado. Han pasado semanas desde que el doctor me dio la noticia y aquí estamos, cada vez mejor y mejor y listo para ir a casa pronto!
#nevergiveup #Godisreal
<3 Leyla
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