sábado, 4 de octubre de 2014

Update on Andy...Saturday Oct 4th

Well like most of you know, we had an appointment with Andy's oncologist this last Thursday. He talked to us and said he wanted to send us to the hospital that same afternoon and have him admitted that same day... We talked to him to see if we could wait until the next morning just to make arrangements for the kids and get things ready and the doctor said yes.

We came here to Banner Desert Thursday morning, Andy had a procedure and they put a port on him to make things easier (last time at the hospital they poked him 15 times in less than 2 hours because his veins were gone!)

After the port they started the pre meds for chemo and that night at 2 am. Yes 2am they started the first kind of chemo.. He had this chemo going for 24 hours! Then this morning at 5 am they started the second type of chemo. This one is just for half an hour but 3 times today and then at 2 am a new kind...

They are hitting this cancer hard! The doctor said that today and especially tomorrow his nausea is going to be really bad... We are just grateful that we are here and not at home where he always used to get dehydrated from all this nausea stuff ...
As I was looking at quotes after the Lds conference today I saw this one and it describes Andy #ldsconf

He is being such a trooper. I was texting one of my dearest friends yesterday and I was telling her... If you see Andy you will cry.. He has such a good spirit so far, he is so positive and happy... He has been listening to comedian shows, watching funny movies and playing loud music in his room... The nurses said they love to come to his room because he has good music. 

I am not sure if I would be the same if it was me in that bed, but he is definitely teaching me that even in the darkest moments you can always make a difference if you decide to be positive and have faith.

We are amazed and grateful with all the love from everyone ... We have been getting blessings on daily basis... People doing things without even knowing us, people from Andy's work just getting together and supporting Andy, cards, texts, calls, and especially people telling me we are praying for you.. Kids coming to me and say we are praying for Andy... And more

Yesterday the HOA had an event at the neighborhood park... And Jessie Brown had this sweet idea of having this table for donaciones for our family... This brought tears to my eyes just to see how much people care for us... My kids had a great time and I love that they are getting the opportunity to see how much you can serve and help one another...

Speaking of my kids ... Ohh my kids.. My poor babies I miss them so much... My sister Jona and my brother in law Ben are such a blessing, they are watching my kids and I will never be able to thank them enough... Mia talked to Andy on the phone and asked him.. “Why are you so sick daddy? I am sorry that that owie from soccer hasn't get any better.” Poor princess she loves her daddy so much... And David ... David, David he is such a sweet boy, yesterday when I saw him he told me he wanted to come home and started crying... I know how hard this is for my kids but I also know that they can see how amazing their dad is. 

I feel so much better this week, my faith is back ... Not sure if you can say you lost your faith when you got it back? But last week a darkness took over my heart and it felt like faith was not even close .... But today, today is different, after praying and praying and after several blessings I feel okay, I am okay, I have faith in my heavenly father’s plan... I know he loves me. I know he is aware of my feelings and my fears. I know that he doesn't want anything bad for me and Andy, I know that he will help us during this difficult time, I have seen his hand on daily basis, I have felt his love through all the people, and I am here ready for this war.

That's what my friend was telling me... Leyla this is a war. What do soldiers do during a war? They fight, they fight, they fight ... They do whatever they have to do to survive, and especially they never give up... This is a war for us and we will do whatever we have to do to survive and we will never give up .

Andy will be having chemo until Tuesday and if things go well, he will be going home Tuesday or Wednesday.. He will rest for a few days and then we will be back at the hospital for cycle 2 of chemo and then we will go to the MAYO clinic for his transplant ... 

I will keep everyone updated
Thank you and please keep praying for him!


Bueno no haré la traducción exacta porque no tengo mucho tiempo pee tratare de recordar que escribí. El miércoles tuvimos una cita con el oncólogo de Abdy y ese mismo día nos dijo que quería que fuéramos al hospital y que ese mismo diablo internarán para sus quimios... Nosotros le pedimos que si nos daba tantito de tiempo para que pudiéramos ir a la casa y arreglar todo  y las cosas de los niños pues estaríamos una semana en el hospital. Dijo que si, entonces el jueves en la mañana lo internaron y le hicieron una pequeña operación que se llama port, en México no existe, lo que pasa es que con tantas quimioterapias y tratamientos que recibió Andy sus venas desaparecieron se desgastaron las últimas veces que lo estaban poniendo intravenosa a i saca su sangre le tenían que picar mínimo unas quince veces hasta poder encontrarle la vena... Esta operación lo que fue es que le pusieron un aparato parecido a un marcapasos ... Este aparato tiene como una m guerita que va directo a la yugular y esa ma guerita esparciera todas las quimios directo a las venas más importantes, ahora lo que pasa es q las enfermeras o doctores no tienen q ponerle nada en las venas solo en ese cuadrito le pican sobre la piel y todo el medicamento va a la yugular .. Bueno ya le pusieron esa cosa y lo iniciaron con los medicamentos para prepararlo por doce horas y de ahí esa noche bueno esa mañana a las dos de la mañana le iniciaron la quimioterapia, estuvo conectado a la quimio por 24 horas y le fue muy bien... De ahí luego luego lo conectaron al segundo tipo de quimios esa es más corta media hora cada una y es cada cuatro horas 3 veces creo, pasando esa hoy otra ve bueno mañana a las 2 am le pondrán otro tipo de quimios y de ahí no se qué más...
Si vieran a Andy les darían ganas de llorar pero no por lo enfermo que se vea o por q sientan feo sino por el espíritu y el  estado de ánimo que tiene, es increíble verlo así, yo me imagino q si fuera yo la que estuviera en esa caña yo estaría a la depresión a lo que da, pero Andy es un campeón es un guerrero, se la ha pasado viendo puros programas de comedianta y películas de risa y siempre tiene su música a todo volumen, de verdad lo admiro y amo verlo tan positivo me ayuda a aprender que en los momentos más sociales de tu vida hay que sonreír...
Sigan pidiendo por el, gracias familia 

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