On Christmas Eve, we had a very important doctors appointment, we found out the results of Andy´s PET scan, we are SO excited with the results, Andy´s tumor the one by his right lung is totally gone and the one next to his heart is just about 2cm big, it was around 5.6 cm so it is looking great, also his cancer levels went down from 1000 to just 50!!!! We are SO happy and this was such amazing news right before Christmas!
We had so much help this Christmas! I didn't buy anything for my kids or Andy, everything was ready and planned for everyone. Andy´s aunts Marianne and Marla sent a lot of presents from Utah for the kids, a company Shane Auto repair decided to give a lot of presents for them, also another amazing lady Debra contacted David´s teacher and brought more presents for them. Yet one more girl contacted my sister and did the same. Andy´s friends form work (Beth, Rosie and Joseph and Sarah) got them some more and they were so spoiled, they got every single thing that they wanted (more than a kid should get). My friend Rickelle got an awesome present for Andy and my friend Ginger helped me print a book that I made for him (BTW he loooved it). Also David's teacher Barbara Arroyo made the cutest little book ever. David's classmates wrote their wishes to Andy and made a picture for him , it was the sweetest thing ever!
Cindy Fast and her lovely girl Heather Graves ( who happens to be the mom of David´s girlfriend ,according to him, LOL) brought tons of groceries, socks, pajamas, money, and more toys for them. She raised all this at her school. Andy´s parents brought them more presents too...... Joana one of Andy's nurse got other things too..
My sister Jona and Ben got them even more things, and we had a wonderful time with them.
Liz Dalton from church also got some presents for them and she brought us Christmas dinner! That ham was delicious and it was such a special meal full of love...
My kids faces, their laughs, yelling like crazies on Christmas morning is something that I wont be able to thank enough we will definitely never ever will be able to top this Christmas! ( I hope I didn't´t forget anyone)...
My kids faces, their laughs, yelling like crazies on Christmas morning is something that I wont be able to thank enough we will definitely never ever will be able to top this Christmas! ( I hope I didn't´t forget anyone)...
You have no idea how much those little words coming from my 6 year old touched me. He is right, look at all these people giving to my family. I hope with all my heart that pretty soon we can do something like this for someone else...
On Christmas we got such a nice surprise, a few days before my car broke, of course it did, and Andy´s car as well! But speaking just of my car, I was not happy about it, especially since we needed to pay $1049. I even took a picture of it.
We have been so blessed, but the reason I want to share this is because I have such a strong testimony about if you do the right thing, if you do the things you are suppose to be doing with all your heart, things will always work out. This young man, Ali Tomineek (http://alitomineek.com/blog/community/),thanks to Rosi Robles, decided to start a fundraiser with all of his fans, he showed up on Christmas with amazing presents for my kida AND $1020... Do you think this is a coincidence? I don´t think so, in my mind there are not coincidences anymore, everything is touched and moved and guided by my Heavenly Father, he truly knows my struggles, he truly understands my feelings, he is watching over me and my family. This amazing young man is also going to have a concert to raise more money for my family... And I have no words to thank him, he is so young, and he decided to make a difference.
I know that some people can think, well why doesn't she find a job? This question has been on my mind lately, why I just don´t go and find a full time job and then all of financial problems will be over? Let me tell you why... I have been praying a lot about it and I realized that I have a priority. Andy needs me, he needs me more than anything, the rest, the rest will be okay. If we have to sell the house, the cars, or everything else, oh well. Those are material things, those things can go and can always come back, but this time here with Andy, this will be something that I will never ever regret...
December 26th Andy was admitted again into the hospital, he will have a second chemotherapy and a second Bone and Marrow transplant. We will be in the hospital the same days that we were last time. The Doctor said that he will probably need surgery after this and we are not sure about radiations yet, but it can be a possibility too...
Once that you start all the process here at the hospital, they say that day 0 is your transplant, so any days that you spend here before the transplant are consider days minus, for example we got here day -6 and chemo started on day -5 so I will be talking about days from now on...
DAY -6
We got here in the afternoon, and they put a new line in Andy, a line that they are going to use for his chemo. He says it was a little painful and uncomfortable, this PIC line goes from his arm to his heart. They took him for x rays, he had a blood test, and all kind of tests that you can imagine to get him ready for chemo and transplant. Day -6 was actually fun, we got to talk a lot, watched TV, ate okay and it was just an easy day
DAY -5
The fun began... At 10 in the morning they brought this innocent small bag of chemo, if you see it you would never imagine that this little bag is so powerful... The second chemo was at noon and same thing, little tiny bag. In the evening, Andy started feeling sick, his nausea started and he could´t eat anything. He slept almost all morning and afternoon but he woke up few times to throw up. He started having a fever and they had to do all kind of tests to see why the fever was there.
Once that you start all the process here at the hospital, they say that day 0 is your transplant, so any days that you spend here before the transplant are consider days minus, for example we got here day -6 and chemo started on day -5 so I will be talking about days from now on...
DAY -6
We got here in the afternoon, and they put a new line in Andy, a line that they are going to use for his chemo. He says it was a little painful and uncomfortable, this PIC line goes from his arm to his heart. They took him for x rays, he had a blood test, and all kind of tests that you can imagine to get him ready for chemo and transplant. Day -6 was actually fun, we got to talk a lot, watched TV, ate okay and it was just an easy day
DAY -5
The fun began... At 10 in the morning they brought this innocent small bag of chemo, if you see it you would never imagine that this little bag is so powerful... The second chemo was at noon and same thing, little tiny bag. In the evening, Andy started feeling sick, his nausea started and he could´t eat anything. He slept almost all morning and afternoon but he woke up few times to throw up. He started having a fever and they had to do all kind of tests to see why the fever was there.
Andy´s sister, Danielle and her husband came to visit, she has been so sweet during this trial, it was good to see him smile and tried to talk a little bit with them, and for me, having them here was so good, I got to talk to someone. I love it here but sometimes the days just feel so long specially while he is asleep.
The night was awful, we didn't get any sleep at all. The nurses here are amazing, so sweet, we just love them all. We just couldn't sleep all night, in between checking his vitals, nausea, labs, etc, we couldn't catch a break...
DAY -6
Chemo day 2... At 10 in the morning they started the next chemo, same thing than day -5, little bags, but this second time Andy was really sick, when I say really sick I mean very nauseous and throwing up a lot, poor Andy. He doesn't complain at all, he just looks at me and I know that it is time to bring the bucket close to him, because he can´t even make it to the bathroom...
I wish he could just sleep for the next 20 days.
Chemo day 2... At 10 in the morning they started the next chemo, same thing than day -5, little bags, but this second time Andy was really sick, when I say really sick I mean very nauseous and throwing up a lot, poor Andy. He doesn't complain at all, he just looks at me and I know that it is time to bring the bucket close to him, because he can´t even make it to the bathroom...
I wish he could just sleep for the next 20 days.
He hasn't eaten anything again today, he also can´t keep his pills down today, no water, no Gatorade nothing. The only good thing of all of this is that we knew that it was going to be this way, it doesn't make it any easier, but at least we are a little more ready, and we know what to expect.His heart rate started going crazy again, not as crazy as last time but still higher than the average. For me today day -6 has been a little long, I have been just waiting and it sounds sad but just ready with the bucket...
I will keep everyone posted. Thanks so much for caring about my family, this blog has 13,000 views... Isn't this crazy?? It blows my mind. :) Here is the video of Ali, what he did for us and what he is still doing so here is The link for the video that he made and the concert announcement !
Muchas muchas gracias a todas las personas que ayudaron a que tuviéramos una Navidad increíble, mis hijos recibieron muchos regalos de gente que no conocíamos y pasaron un día mágico...
Tuvimos la oportunidad de pasar Navidad en casa y jamás olvidaremos estos recuerdos tan maravillosos que vivimos este día..
El día antes de Navidad, tuvimos una cita muy importante con el oncologo de Andy, nos íbamos a enterar de los resultados del examen que le hicieron a Andy, se le llama PET scan, es un escan donde te dicen por medio de radiactividad como van los tumores, como va el cáncer si va haciéndose mas pequeño, si los tratamientos van sirviendo, etc....
La verdad estábamos muy nerviosos y preocupados especialmente porque era 24 de Diciembre.. Pero recibimos muy muy buenas noticias, el tumor de Andy, el que estaba en sus pulmones desapareció por completo! Desaparecido ya no existe y el otro junto su corazón cuando inicio estos últimos tratamientos era de 5.6 centímetros mas o menos y ahora es de solo 2 cm!!! Aparte sus niveles de cáncer en la sangre eran de 1000 y ahora están en 50! asi es que quiere decir que todo va funcionando de maravilla. Dijo el doctor que lo mas probable es que va a necesitar otra operación y probablemente radiaciones, pero bueno eso ya se vera en el futuro..
Recibimos muchas muchas bendiciones esta Navidad, aqui en estados Unidos la Navidad es como cuando vienen los Reyes magos y es el dia donde los niños reciben todos los juguetes, pues esta Navidad no gaste ni un solo peso, todo estaba planeado para mis hijos, las tias de Andy les mandaron de Utah regalos, una señora de una compañía les mando muchísimos mas, otra señora les compro mas, amigos del trabajo de Andy le trajeron otras cosas, gente de la iglesia, sus abuelos, mi hermana, vecinos, el caso es que eran regalos y regalos, jamás podremos superar esta Navidad, nuestros hijos estuvieron súper consentidos y recibieron as de lo que pidieron a Santa, que increíble experiencia, jamás tendré palabras suficientes para agradecerles toda la felicidad que trajeron y brindaron a mis hijos... Uno de los recuerdos mas bonitos que tengo d este día es cuando estábamos desayunando, hicimos un desayuno especial de Navidad y los niños quisieron cantarle las mañanitas a Jesús, porque realmente es lo que se celebra en Navidad, su nacimiento, cuando acabamos de cantarle las mañanitas con los pastelitos que le hicieron los niños, les dije, okay ahora cada quien vamos a hacer como un brindis y vamos a decirle a Jesús las cosas por las que estamos agradecidos en esta Navidad... De verdad que al escribir se me salen las lágrimas de acordarme de las palabras de mi David, en su corazoncito y ya tiene tanta gratitud... dijo... Jesus estoy agradecido porque moriste por nosotros, estoy agradecido porque nos has venido a salvar en este mundo, estoy agradecido porque me enseñaste que la Navidad se trata de celebrarte a ti pero también porque me enseñaste que la Navidad se trata no solo de recibir sino de DAR... Imaginen mi hijo de 6 años ...
Mi corazón se llena de gratitud al ver las enseñanzas que esta prueba tan grande le esta dejando a mis hijos...
Lo volvieron a internar el 26 de Diciembre, y tendrá otra ronda de quimioterapia y de ahí un segundo transplante de Medula espinal.., aquí dicen las enfermeras y doctores que el día de tu transplante esta considerado día cero ya que no tienes sistema inmunológico como quien dice tu cuerpo muere y vuelve a nacer. Todos los días antes de tu transplante son considerados días menos por ejemplo lo internaron en día -6, la quimio inicio en día -5 y hoy es día -4
DIA -6
Llegamos al hospital y prácticamente fue un día fácil, solo le hicieron muchos exámenes, rayos x y todo lo necesario para prepararlo para la quimioterapida
DIA -5 a las 10 de la mañana trajeron la bolsita de quimioterapia, de verdad si la vieran no creerían que esa bolsita tan inocente sea tan poderosa, no pareciera, lo que es es que no esta diluida con nada, es pura y mera quimioterapia, veneno para matar al cáncer, luego luego en cuanto inicio su quimio los efectos secundarios iniciaron... mucho asco, mucho vomito... enseguida le dio temperatura y pasamos muy mala noche, no dormimos absolutamente nada... Aproximadamente a las 12 del día le pusieron la segunda quimio y termino rápido como en una hora... De ahí el resto del día solo fue puro sentirse mal
DIA -4
A las 10 de ma mañana iniciaron la siguiente quimioterapia, de nuevo una bolsita inocente pequeñita pero hoy ha sido un dia un poco mas difícil para Andy, ha tenido mucho vomito, no puede tomar nada ni sus pastillas ni agua ni nada... si esta siendo muy duro pero por lo menos ya sabemos que esperar, por lo menos ya vivimos esto y sabemos lo difícil que va a ser y las cosas que pueden pasar, claro eso no quita lo horrible que la esta pasando Andy pero por lo menos para mi es un consuelo de saber que al final de la tormenta llegara la calma..
Que increíble Navidad pasamos de verdad, jamás olvidare todas las cosas que todas esas personas hicieron por nosotros, definitivamente se que mi Padre Celestial tiene un plan para mi, soy testigo de que el sabe de mi sufrimiento, que el sabe de mis necesidades y de que jamás me abandona
Me acabo de enterar que este blog tiene mas de 13000 visitas!!!! Que locura! Muchas gracias a todos los que se han tomado la molestia de pasar por aquí
Con cariño
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