Well, sorry that I haven't stop by the blog, since Andy was released from the hospital. We have been kind of crazy busy, we have had tons of Doctors appointments and we have been spending a lot of time with our kids...
As some of you know Andy was in the hospital for more than 20 days, and finally last week he was able to come back home. The kids were super excited to see him! They can't stop following him around, they are talking to him all day long and they are just happy to be back home with us.
We will be home for Christmas!!!! I have been doing everything that I can to keep Andy healthy so we can enjoy Christmas at home. His immune system gets better and better every day but is not perfect so I have been cleaning the house like crazy, washing my kids hands probably 20 times a day LOL and more, but I am so happy to be able to be home with the kids...
We have been cramming in all the Christmas activities; we went to see Christmas lights, made a ginger bread house, watched Christmas movies, and all those things that the kids love!! I am so excited. I love this Holiday, well I love it now, before I got married to Andy it wasn't my favorite but after I got married to Andy, he made sure to change my mind and now it is absolutely my favorite time of the year...
WE have been so blessed, a few months ago talking to my friend Laura she told me, “Leyla you are going to be blessed, you are going to receive so many blessings for Christmas.” And we have been so so blessed, there is not one day that I don't find something by my door step. There is not one day where someone doesn’t come and bring us a treat, food, groceries and more... my heart is full with gratitude for all the love and support, I can't believe how much we have been blessed with.
December 16th we hit a year after Andy was diagnosed for the very first time... like I said in one Facebook post, I still remember when I got that phone call from Andy... I remember Andy had been sick for few weeks before December 16th, he stopped going to the gym and had a horrible cough, fevers, sweating at nights and it was just getting worse and worse. I remember one night he couldn't breathe good, so the next day I told him “You need to go to the Doctor. I bet you anything you have pneumonia or something like that...” So he did, he went to the Doctor and that same day the Doctor told him, “Let’s do some x rays to see what's going on.” That same day they did a CT scan on him and that same day they told him he had an 11 cm tumor next to his heart and one more in his lungs... he called me and asked me, “Where are you?” I said, “I am driving from work, (I used to work at the Elementary School in my neighborhood) and I am picking Mia up.” (my sister used to watch her) so he said, “Please call me when you get there...” I started crying the entire way to my sister's house, I instantly knew something was wrong, I got there and called him and he said, “I should wait to talk to you at home but I will be at the doctors for a while.” and I said just tell me know, of course I wasn't ready for those news, he said well, (he was ALWAYS calm and peaceful) “They found a little something by my heart.” I said, “A little something, what do you mean?” He said, “Well an 11 cm tumor and another one by my lungs, but I will be okay. I promise you I will, I have to go I am going to see the doctor again...” A what???? A tumor? I told my sister the news, I had to leave her house because I didn’t want Mia to see me like this, so I went to her front yard and the first thing I did was to call my mom in Mexico. I was devastated, I was screaming, I was crying, I even threw up. I was so desperate my mom tried to calm me down and she was crying with me at the same time. I knew since then that my life was about to change entirely, I knew since then that a big battle was about to start. My mom was so good with me and she helped me to calm down, I am not going to lie, I am not always as strong as you think, but I managed to calm down because I needed to drive back home to meet Andy. I got home, put Mia down for a nap and Andy got home... we didn't talk to each other, we just hugged each other, we went to my room and we knelt down together and we prayed and prayed we stopped, and prayed some more... after that we sat in my bed, he kept hugging me still and he told me again, “Mi vida, I will be okay, I will fight whatever this is, I will never leave you I will be okay....”
It has been a year since that day, at the beginning of our trial everything was so confusing, everything did not seem fair, I was not happy for the new year to start, I was afraid, I was mad, I was not in a good place... but I have been so blessed with the spirit, I have been so touched by so many. I have felt Heaven's father arms every single day after December 16th and my testimony got bigger and bigger, I saw the big picture, I saw that this was happening for a reason. I understood that this was not a punishment for Andy. I realized that we have been chosen for this trial, I understood that we are so LUCKY that Heavenly Father trusted us with this. I still have so much to learn and change, I would like to forgive some people, I would love to have better relationship with others and I have specific names in my head.... I would like to learn how to control my emotions. I would like to learn how to be more discrete and don't say everything that I think or feel, but hey, I am not perfect and everything is a process and some things take more time than others, but again, this has been such a wonderful blessing for me and my family...
Today I can say thank you Cancer, thank you for coming to my life, thank you for getting me even closer to Andy, thank you for letting me spend all this time with my best friend, thank you for letting me be there for Andy day and night, thank you for changing my life, without you Cancer I had never had all the wonderful experiences that I have had, without you coming to this home I wouldn't meet so many wonderful people.
Thanks to you my kids one day will come back to this blog and they will be like, what a strong dad we have, we want to be like him or look how my mom loved my dad, thanks to you my kids one day will be anxious and wanting to help someone else in need, thanks to you I see beauty in every day of my life, thanks to you I appreciate my home, my friends, my everything, thanks to you I became a warrior, thanks to Cancer I confirmed again how much my mom, dad, brother and sister love me, thanks to Cancer I found a friend in my brother in law Ben, and I can keep thanking you Cancer because you have been wonderful with us... don't get confused I don't want you in my life, I don't want you close to my Andy but I am grateful for you...
I will try to keep this more updated maybe after Andy gets admitted, all I am going to do for the very few days its keep enjoying my little family, drinking hot cocoa and cuddling with my husband.
I will try to keep this more updated maybe after Andy gets admitted, all I am going to do for the very few days its keep enjoying my little family, drinking hot cocoa and cuddling with my husband.
Lo siento mucho que no he podido regresar al blog, desde que dieron de alta a Andy nos la hemos pasado de aqui para alla, que en citas, que [ara la casa, que de regreso al hospital, han sido unos dias muy ocupados pero han valido la pena.
Hemos podido estar con nuestros hijos y eso no lo cambio por nada, no puedo olvidar aun la expression de mis hijos cuando vieron a Andy llegar a la casa, los gritos, los abrazos, y Mia y David sin poder parar de hablar queriendole contar a Andy todo lo que han hecho en estos dias
Afortunadamente e increiblemente Andy esta muy muy bien, no puedo creer aun que tan enfermo ha estado y verlo asi como esta ahorita, comiendo major, caminando normal, sonriendo y recuperandose cada dia mas. Esta semana que viene lo vuelven a internar para la siguiente quimioterapia y de ahi le haran otro transplante de medula osea, esta semana tenemos tambien un examen donde nos diran que tanto ha disminuido el cancer y como va avanzando todo...
Ya hace un ano desde que diagnosticaron a Andy, aun recuerdo aquel momento en el que me entere que nuestras vidas iban a cambiar por complete.... En ese entonces trabajaba yo en una escuela, de hecho en la misma escuela donde va mi hijo, en el salon de kinder, iba yo saliendo de la escuela e iba yo camino a casa de mi Hermana porque ella cuidaba a mia en ese entonces.... Semanas antes de esto, Andy habia estado muy enfermo, Andy es el tipo de persona que ha hecho ejercicio toda su vida, iba diario al gimnasio, jugaba soccer dos o tres veces por semana y todo el tiempo era muy active, pero en ese entonces dejo de ir al gimnasio porque se empezo a sentir muy enfermo, recuerdo que una noche estaba con mucha temperature, sudando muchisimo por las noches y la tos que tenia era horrible... al dia siguiente le hice una cita con un medico general porque llevaba yo dias diciendole que fuera y no me hacia caso... por fin fue a la cita un Diciembre 16 del 2013... iba yo manejando a casa de mi Hermana Jona cuando suena mi telefono y era Andy diciendome... donde estas? y yo manejando... me dice, me puedes llamar cuando llegues a casa de Jona? desde ese entonces sabia que algo no andaba bien, mi miedo mi estres sabia que algo estaba por pasar, me fui llore y llore todo el camino hacia casa de mi Hermana, sentia sabia que lo peor estaba por venir... llegue a casa de mi Hermana y en eso vuelve a sonar el telefono, era Andy diciendome, quieres que te diga ahorita o me espero? y yo no ya dime de una vez estoy super estresada me dice es que me encontraron algo pequenito en mi pecho, un tumor de 11 centimetros j unto a mi Corazon y otro 5cm en mi pulmon derecho, me diec pero tengo que colgar porque el otro doctor quiere hablar conmigo.. colgo, y yo un que??? cpomo un tumor? le dije a Jona lo que pasaba y tuve que salirme de su casa porque no queria que mi hija me viera asi... Sali al patio de enfrente de la casa de mi Hermana, a gritar, a llorar, de hecho hasta vomite de dolor, lo primero que hice fue llamarle a mi mama en Mexico y contarle lo que estaba pasando, mi pobre madre queriendome dar animos no pudo mas que llorar conmigo, finalmente ella me calmo y me ayudo para que me fuera a la casa pues iba yo a verme ahi con Andy...... Llegue a la casa, puse a mia a que s eechara un coyotito y en eso llego Andy, no hicimos nada mas que abrazarnos, llore y llore y me abrazo aun mas, nos fuimos para mi cuarto y juntos nos arrodillamos a orar, oramos y oramos y volvimos a orar aun mas... que dolor sentia en mi Corazon, no lo voy a negar, estaba yo enojada, estaba yo furiosa, estaba yo triste, todo el sentimiento malo que pueda existir lo tenia en mi Corazon, no queria que iniciara el ano no queria saber nada de nadie estaba yo destruida...
Los dias pasaron y el ano inicio, las quimioterapias y tratamientos iniciaron, y junto con ellas mi testimonio hacia nuestro padre celestial crecio y crecio, el me sano, el me quito todos esos sentimientos, el me curo a mi tambien pues en mi Corazon hoy no existe mas que gratitude
Cancer hoy te quiero decir que te doy las gracias por todo lo que me has traido a mi vida Cancer, gracias por ayudarme a acercarme mas a mi esposo, gracias por haberme ayudado a tener a mi major amigoa mi lado 24 horas al dia, Cancer gracias por haberme permitido encontrar a un buen amigo en mi cunado Ben, gracias por haberme dado cuenta de cuantas personas me aman, Cancer te debo muchas cosas, gracias por haberme ayudado a sanar mi Corazon, gracias pr haberme hecho mas humilde, mas caritativa, gracias por haberme traido todas esas bendiciones que hemos recibido, gracias por toda la felicidad que hemos podiudo vivir en estea no, sin ti nada de eso hubiera sido possible, hoy, hoy te doy las gracias
Pasaremos una Hermosa e inolvidable Navidad juntos en casa, y no hay nada major que eso
Con carino
Feliz Navidad
PD Perdon por las faltas como siempre, ando a la Carrera
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