domingo, 6 de septiembre de 2015

I´M ALIVE!!!..... Estoy vivo

I have had the most emotional, painful and stressful week of my entire life... On Monday morning I was here at hospice when Andy kept asking me for Mia, so I went over to our house and picked her up. Once she was here, Andy said take her back home please. I insisted that I wanted her to stay but he asked that I take her back home. I did and when I came back my brother in law Ben was here. As soon as I walked in, Andy started getting really sick. He started throwing up, his heart rate went up to 190, and his pulse was slowing down, as well as his breathing. The nurse was crying and talked to me and said please call his family or whoever you need to call, I feel like he has 24 to 48 hours - she was not the only one that told me that, every nurse, nurse's aid, even the doctor thought that he had 48 hours. So, I called everyone and the rest of my family flew back from Mexico. Part of his family was here too. We all didn´t sleep and we all said our good-bye's. I cried so much, so often, I was in shock and he did look like he was ready to go back to his home in Heaven.
In fact, he kept talking with angels. He said it so often, that one angel was always to his right and he said there were a lot of them in the room. He also told me that some animal angels were here. When my brother and sister got here, the three of us were singing some of Andy's favorite songs and Andy smiled and said, he really liked this song. I asked who really like that song? He whispered, the angel that is here and he turned his head to his right - he said keep playing it, he likes it.

Another time I was laying down in his bed, his respirations were slowing down so much, I was thinking that was going to be the moment. He was asleep must of the time but then he said, hey, hey you, this is my wife Leyla, he turned to me and whispered "say hi" and I said hi! I am Leyla. Andy said, "Isn´t she beautiful?" And I asked, "Who is this?" Andy said, "Another angel, they are always here... "

That night I realized that Andy was ready to go back to his real home in heaven. He told me that in his "dreams" everyone said it too. He looked like that, it felt like that, we were literally waiting for his last breath, counting how many times he was breathing a minute. We were just waiting and getting ready for that.

Two nights ago I had a little "problem" with someone here at the hospice. This person said that Andy couldn't die because my family kept coming into the room and he couldn't be in peace because they wouldn't let him go. This person asked them to please just stay away so he could go, because he was ready. After praying for an answer, I went to this person and said, he loves my family, they are an extended family for him. He talks to my brother on a daily basis and he makes him laugh. He tells my mom all of his good times and bad times and calls her almost every day. He calls my sister a daughter. He loves my family and he will die whenever Heavenly Father wants him to go. If he doesn´t go, it is because Heavenly Father has a different plan, not because my family doesn´t let him.

I went back to Andy´s room and I prayed for some peace and for some understanding of what is happening. I prayed for signs of light. I couldn't sleep at all that night and around 6 in the morning my sign was sent...

Andy woke up, talking, lucid, alert and said I want to talk to you. I know that the facts are different, I know that the doctors and nurses think I am ready to die and some people have given up on me. Please "mi vida" don´t give up on me, please don´t give up on me, I am not ready to die, I want to get my next doses of "keytruda." I am not dying right now, don´t give up on me... and even if I die, if Heavenly Father wants me to go right now, I will follow him but I will die fighting. I will die trying, I will die not giving up.

So I believe in him!!I will never give up on you ANDY, we will never give up on you, we will be fighting next to you until the end. "I will never quit," he said.

We are waiting to see how this week goes and will try to go home soon. Yesterday he had blood in his urine his breathing was a little faster and he was more alert. He ate and watched some TV and he still looks pretty sick but he looks way better than a few days ago. He really wants to go home, even if we have to come back to hospice soon. He really wants to be back home, so we will try to make it happen. Today when he woke up he told my brother, "I bet you anything that people at the hospice are saying, 'Seriously, when is this guy going to die? Who is this guy?'"

He was laughing and my brother was joking with him and said I am going to burn the suit that I brought for your funeral, and Andy was laughing and said I felt like I was dying too but remember, I always get up!

I am not sure of what the future holds. I don´t know if he will die this week or the next one or in months in the future but I know that I am not going to listen to absolutely anyone anymore - not the doctors, the nurses, family or anyone. The only one that knows is Heavenly Father. This week I learned that He truly is the only one that knows what's happening. I will trust and believe on him, I will accept His will, I will listen to what He is trying to tell me. I accept his will, no matter what, if it is hours, days, weeks or months, I will be okay with it, after knowing that we had just two days with the love of my life I realized that I wasn´t really accepting Heavenly Father's will. I was more worried about my pain and forgot that He has a plan, that He knows when and will always be with me. He sent those angels to this room to show me and let me know that He is with us, that we will never be alone, that Andy has an army of angels watching over him and I will trust His plan.

Thanks so much for your love and prayers for the past week. I apologize for the confusion and pain that this week brought to all of us but I hope you can feel the way I feel - faith is stronger than anything else and Heavenly Father is the only one in control. Andy is one of a kind and he will fight til the end. I love you Andy, I love you so much and I will never give up on you!!!!!!!!
He tenido los dias mas dolorosos, dificiles y estresantes de toda mi vida 
El lunes por la manana entramos aqui al hospicio, y Andy siempre me esta preguntando por Mia, fui a la casa por ella, para llevarla con Andy; cuando llegue Andy 
me dijo: Llevatela por favor, te dije que la trajeras pero mejor llevatela a casa, lo que hice fue regresarla a casa. 
Mi Cunado ben estaba aqui, en cuanto entre a su cuarto Andy comenzo  sentirse realmente mal, el comenzo a vomitar heces fecales,  su coraz'on latia a 190 y de 
momento fue disminuyendo, asi como su respiracion, el estaba respirando solo 3 veces por minuto, la enfermera comenzo a llorar y me dijo por favor llama a su familia 
o a quien necesiten llamar, siento que solo tiene 24 a 48 horas de vida, no fue la unica que me dijo eso, todas las enfermeras me dijeron que maximo 48 horas tendria, 
y asi lo hice, llame a todos, el resto de mi familia volo de  Mexico, parte de su familia estuvo aqui tambien, no durmio nadie ese dia, todos le dijimos adios, llore muchisimo 
estuve varias veces en shock, y el parecia estar listo para regresar a casa "el cielo". 
De hecho el frecuentemente se mantuvo hablando con angeles, y decia que un angel estaba muy cerca de el, a SU DERECHA, Hay muchos en el cuarto, de hecho me dijo que habia 
animales, angeles con forma de animal o animales con forma de angeles, hay muchos y estan aqui. 
Cuando mi hermano llego aqui, mi hermana el y yo cantamos canciones que a el le gustan, y dijo " A el le gusta mucho esa cancion" yo le pregunte A QUIEN? 
el contesto con un suspiro: al Angel que esta aqui, senalando a su derecha a un angel que solo el podia ver. 
EL dijo: sigan tocando al angel le gusta. 
Me acoste en su cama y su re4spiracion estaba muyn lenta, yo estaba segura que ya era la hora, que esa seria su hora de partir.
El estaba adormilado, la mayor parte del tiempo, y se la pasabe diciendo, hey!! ella es mi esposa Leyla, el volteaba y me decia Leyla di Hola. 
y pues yo dije Hola, sin seguir viendo nada, es hermosa verdad? dijo Andy , y yo le pregunte con quien hablas y El le contesto, otro angel, El siempre esta aqui. 
Esa noche yo me di cuenta que Andy estaba listo para partir a su verdadera casa en el cielo, El me dijo eso en sus suenos, y todos pensabamos lo mismo, eso parecia y asi se 
 sentia,literalmente esperabamos por su ultimo suspiro contando cuantas veces respiraba por minuto y estabamos solo esperando a que sucediera. 
Dos noches atras yo tuve un problemita con alguien aqui en el hospicio esta persona dijo que Andy no podia morir porque mi familia estaba aqui y que no lo dejabamos partir 
y que Else mantenia con nosotros sin estar en paz, y esta misma persona le pidio a mi familia que se alejara para que el pudiera partir. despues de orar por una respuesta yo 
 fui con esta persona y le dije: El ama a mi familia, ellos on una familia para El, el habla con mi hermano todos los dias y mi hermano lo hace reir y reir, el es su mejor 
amigo, el le cuenta a mi madre todos sus problemas o felicidades, el habla con mi madre casi todos los dias, llama a mi hermana "hija" y ama a mi familia y el va a 
morir cuando Dios quiera y si no se va es porque Dios asi lo quiere y el tiene otro plan mas no porque mi familia no lo deje, volvi al cuarto de Andy y solamente pedia 
por paz, rogaba que alguien me entendiera lo que estaba pasando por lo que ore por una senal y una luz, no pude dormir en toda la noche y a las 6:00 am mi senal aparecio. 
Andy desperto hablando , lucido, alerta y me dijo mi vida quiero hablar contigo, yo se que los hechos dicen otra cosa , yo se que los doctores y enfermeras piensan que 
voy a morir, mi familia se rindio, la gente se rindio, los doctores se rindieron por favor "mi vida tu no te des por vencida" yo no m voy a morir, quiero y voy a obtener 
 la proxima dosis de Keytruda no me voy a morir hoy  no te rindas y aunque muera si Dios quiere que me vaya me ire, pero me voy pataleando, voy a morir peleando y voy a 
morir sin darme por vencido y en ese momento le crei, tampoco me dare por vencida , no nos daremos por vencidos y vamos a morir peleando. 
Estamos esperando esta semana y estamos con la esperanza de regresar a casa aunque sea por un dia , ayer su orina tenia sangre , su respiracion estaba un poco rapida pero 
el estaba alerta, Andy comio y miro television, pero seguia luciendo muy enfermo ,pero se ve muchisimo mejor que los dias anteriores, el desea de corazon ir a casa , aunque 
regresemos al hospicio pero el desea llegar a casa y estamos haciendo todo lo posible para que esto suceda. 
Hoy cuando desperto le dijo a mi hermano: te apuesto todo a que la gente en el hospicio esta pensando cuando ira a estirar la parta este canijo?, de que planeta es? y 
estuvo riendo y bromeando con mi hermano y mi hermano le dijo voy a quemar eltraje que empaque en este viaje para tu funeral, Andy se rio y dijo la verdad si senti que me iba 
a morir pero recuerda yo siempre me levanto, no se que nos depara el futuro y no se si morira esta semana o la proxima o quisa en unos meses, lo unico que se es que no 
voy a escuchar a nadie ni a nadie, ni a los doctores ni a los enfermeros, ni a mi familia ni a nadie, solo voy a hacer caso a mi padre celestial y que esta semana aprendi 
que solamente el sabe que va a pasar, creo y confio en el y voy a aceptar lo que el decida , voy a escuchar lo que el me quiera decir y aceptarlo no importa lo que sea, 
si son dias , semanas o meses, yo voy a estar bien despues de saber que nos regalo una semana mas de amor en la vida. 
Me di cuenta que no estaba del todo aceptando lo que Dios quiere y estaba preocupada por mi y mi dolor y me olvide por un momento de su plan y que el sabe cuando sucedera y que 
el esta conmigo . Estoy segura que el mando esos angeles a mi cuarto para ensenarnos que el esta con nosotros, que nunca estaremos solos y que Andy tiene un ejercito de 
angeles cuidandolo . 
Gracias por su amor y por sus oraciones de esta semana y perdonenme por la confusion y el dolor que les cause pero espero que puedan sentir asi como yo siento esta fe mas 
fuerte que nada y que Dios es el unico que tiene el control. Les aseguro que Andy es uno de esos hombres que morira peleando y me prometio que no se rendira jamas . 

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